Kelp is a central place to keep Kanopi Drupal helper functions.
This function checks if a field exists on a Drupal entity and is not empty.
use Drupal\kelp\KelpHelpers;
// Example usage:
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load(1);
if (KelpHelpers::fieldCheck($node, 'field_example')) {
// The field 'field_example' exists and is not empty.
// Your code here...
} else {
// The field 'field_example' does not exist or is empty.
// Handle accordingly...
This function generates link properties from a link field.
use Drupal\kelp\KelpHelpers;
// Example usage:
$link = $node->field_link->first(); // Assuming you have a link field
$linkProperties = KelpHelpers::linkHelper($link, ['title' => 'Find out more about kelp', 'modifiers' => ['btn', 'btn-primary']]);
// $linkProperties will contain an array with URL, title, target, etc.
This function extracts the YouTube video ID from a given URL.
use Drupal\kelp\KelpHelpers;
// Example usage:
$youtubeURL = '';
$videoId = KelpHelpers::youtubeVideoId($youtubeURL);
if ($videoId) {
// $videoId will contain the extracted YouTube video ID.
// Your code here...
} else {
// The YouTube video ID was not found in the URL.
// Handle accordingly...
This function converts a string into a machine-friendly format with an optional separator.
use Drupal\kelp\KelpHelpers;
// Example usage:
$text = "Convert This String";
$machineFriendlyText = KelpHelpers::machinify($text, '-');
// $machineFriendlyText will be "convert-this-string"
This function returns retuns an array of image related information.
use Drupal\kelp\KelpHelpers;
// Example of an Image media entity on a node with the media
// image field field_media_image:
$node_media_image_entity = $node->get('field_media_collection_image')->entity->get('field_media_image');
$node_media_image_entity_data = KelpHelpers::getImageData($node_media_image_entity);
// Array of useful information about the image.