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FAP vs Sparcraft v2

Andrey Kurdyumov edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

Testing setup

I create to separate versions of my bot from master, and switch using configuration what combat estimation method bot should use. Each variant play 24 games against opponent, which was not pre-trained on my bot. All games should be on the same map (Benzene).

WARNING: I have too much serious mistakes to take this comparison seriously. I promise create new comparison will at least less errors, but it will take more time right now, since I have to play more games

Mistake in testing setup was to not control race of AKBot, and I was lazy, so I run 24 games, to somehow account for that. Number 24 was taken deliberately as 2 * Count of bot races * 2 * Count of starting positions on map.

List of bots to test agains

Hao Pan
Marine Hell
Bjorn P Mattsson
Oleg Ostroumov
Roman Danielis
Bryan Weber
Travis Shelton
Lukas Moravec
Jakub Trancik
UPStarCraftAI 2016
Niels Justesen


Opponent Spracraft wins FAP wins Sparcraft Avg. Duration FAP Avg. Duration
PurpleWave 12 9 529.892884816667 274.7247885
100382319 21 22 73.5540207291667 65.7766821541667
Hao Pan 4 11 296.3858326625 110.2506482
OpprimoBot 4 13 498.589050529167 150.649752958333
Marine Hell 5 10 289.315761258333 89.11732025
Goliat 23 14 245.098135937 276.060866566667
Bjorn P Mattsson 24 24 55.3131592791667 53.8102806041667
DaleeTYC 12 14 202.190096645833 95.0314442291667
Oleg Ostroumov 23 24 55.6143562125 53.64181405
UC3ManoloBot 23 24 83.6172546041667 60.9130681125
Roman Danielis 11 18 248.078314720833 99.488444775
Korean 19 12 110.759966304167 71.7638120541667
Bryan Weber 14 12 201.618030045833 144.045309404167
HOLD Z 9 9 75.6426302958333 65.6706770083333
Kruecke 10 10 342.182368104167 88.5675233666667
MadMixZ 16 12 273.914519583333 88.5682084083333
AyyyLmao 24 24 56.8274248958333 53.26245915
Travis Shelton 18 14 313.979046970833 99.0185034875
Lukas Moravec 16 14 141.445919995833 166.56462935
Jakub Trancik 24 24 99.784521125 97.7009552791666
MadMixT 18 14 134.352378466667 97.1388986083333
UPStarCraftAI 2016 11 7 76.4071761791667 59.5341572708333
KaonBot 17 14 340.026204616667 137.444390891667
Niels Justesen 6 5 309.8448227375 121.397800595833

Data was collected from observations from here #15

Game duration here is measured in seconds, and likely correlated with how much frames game takes. Even if FAP claimed to be faster, then that should not affect overall performance of bot in significant way. If that not true, let me know.

Bots with no changes in win games

Opponent Spracraft wins FAP wins Sparcraft Avg. Duration FAP Avg. Duration
Bjorn P Mattsson 24 24 55.3131592791667 53.8102806041667
HOLD Z 9 9 75.6426302958333 65.6706770083333
Kruecke 10 10 342.182368104167 88.5675233666667
AyyyLmao 24 24 56.8274248958333 53.26245915
Jakub Trancik 24 24 99.784521125 97.7009552791666

Not much difference in term of performance. Time of play looks more or like the same, except Kruecke.

Bots which which lose more to FAP

Opponent Spracraft wins FAP wins Sparcraft Avg. Duration FAP Avg. Duration
100382319 21 22 73.5540207291667 65.7766821541667
Hao Pan 4 11 296.3858326625 110.2506482
OpprimoBot 4 13 498.589050529167 150.649752958333
Marine Hell 5 10 289.315761258333 89.11732025
DaleeTYC 12 14 202.190096645833 95.0314442291667
Oleg Ostroumov 23 24 55.6143562125 53.64181405
UC3ManoloBot 23 24 83.6172546041667 60.9130681125
Roman Danielis 11 18 248.078314720833 99.488444775

Total amount of win increase: 1 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 33

Not much interesting increase, I want more bots jump to 5 win games. Looks like drop in game duration corresponding to the loss of games mostly.

Bots which lose more to SparCraft

Opponent Spracraft wins FAP wins Sparcraft Avg. Duration FAP Avg. Duration
PurpleWave 12 9 529.892884816667 274.7247885
Korean 19 12 110.759966304167 71.7638120541667
Bryan Weber 14 12 201.618030045833 144.045309404167
MadMixZ 16 12 273.914519583333 88.5682084083333
Travis Shelton 18 14 313.979046970833 99.0185034875
Lukas Moravec 16 14 141.445919995833 166.56462935
MadMixT 18 14 134.352378466667 97.1388986083333
UPStarCraftAI 2016 11 7 76.4071761791667 59.5341572708333
KaonBot 17 14 340.026204616667 137.444390891667
Niels Justesen 6 5 309.8448227375 121.397800595833

Total amount of win decrease: 3 + 7 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 34

Looks like drop in performance here is worse then increase in other areas where FAP works better.