A Sublime Text 3 package to help you write C code more efficiently.
C-Mate becomes special when it comes to build and run code in sublime. It consists of a build system which is capable of running code in new terminal.
It comes with pre-coded functions which noone wants to write again and again like swap function.
Useful shortcuts like for loop, while loop and typedef are also incorporated in this package.
#How to get C-Mate ? Until it gets avaiable through sublime package manager, you'll have to install it manually. But its just a 2 step process.
- Download the package from here Download Sublime
- Copy the file to
/home/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages/
. Restart sublime and you are ready to go
#Further Reading C-Mate Intro
#How to contribute ? If you want to contribute then fork this repo, add your snippets to your forked repo and create a pull request. I will be more than happy to include your snippets in C-Mate.