This project is a small driving simulator built on top of Carla. It aims to provide a simple way to validate control strategies of autonomous vehicle platoons in highly detailed simulations. It has been developed by Aron Karakai at the University of Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands), supervised by Prof. dr. ir. Bart Besselink (Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Groningen, The Netherlands).
The accompanying research paper is available here.
For questions, suggestions, or feature requests, please send an email to akarakai [at]
First, you need to set up Carla, following On Windows, it may be necessary to add "[carla_root]/PythonAPI/carla", where "[carla_root]" is your Carla root directory, to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
Second, you need to either install the present Platooning Simulator with
pip install PlatooningSimulator
or clone this repository and use the code directly. The former also installs numpy and the Carla Python API in case they are not already installed.
With that, the modules can be imported as
from PlatooningSimulator import Core, PlatooningControllers
See the examples library on how to run a simulation, and see the Documentation for more information.