Raspberry Pi 3b+ powered weather station with slack-bot integration for automated weather updates during flight tests. Currently uses Open Weather Map API to get weather based on city ID until RPi integration is completed.
- Create an account on openweathermap.org and get an API key along with the city ID number for which you'd like to monitor the weather.
- Create a new bot on your Slack team customization menu and retrieve the user key for the bot (do not share this with anyone).
- Fill in the aforementioned details in
user_key = "your user key here"
api_key = "your api key here"
city_id = "your city id here"
bot_name = "your weather bot name here"
- Run weather_slack_bot.py on a server to have continued access to the bot.
- Unit testing
- Compelete RPi integration
- Add cont. monitoring capability