A SIMD and OpenMP based optimization for naive 2D convolution
The codebase has the following files:
- base.c (Base Code)
- Main.c (Basic Kernel Implementation)
- Main_optimized.c (Optimized Kernel Implementation)
- Conv_mpi.c (OpenMP-based Parallelized Implementation)
- Makefile (Compiles and Runs all experiments)
For complete analysis and implementation details [refer here](Optimization of 2D Convolutions.pdf)
Compile and Run:
Inside the MakeFile instructions on how to compile and run each model and corresponding input parameters is given:
For OpenMP:
./filename.x img_size threads runs
For Other Models:
./filename.x img_size runs
For checking the correctness of the implementation:
- uncomment the lines 190-195 in main_optimized.c
- uncomment the lines 73-78 in base.c
- uncomment the lines 76-81 in conv_mpi.c
Run: for main_optimised.c and base.c
./filename.x img_size 1
for conv_mpi.c\
./filename.x img_size 1 1
The output should be img_size-3 x img_size matrix-3 with each value = 32.0 double floating point.
Image matrix is an all ones matrix.
Kernel is a 4 x 4 matrix with all values = 2.0
Each output cell in output matrix = 4 x 2 x 4 = 32.0