Template for Delphi application with a clean architecture.
You only need to personalize src/App.
- Choose between 2 templates (you can create your custom applications implementing IServiceAppPort interface):
- App.HttpServerVersion for http server applications like a rest service
- App.ThreadVersion for a standards applications
Features: Windows service, GUI, console in same application.
- git clone https://github.com/karoloortiz/Delphi_Template_Sevice_GUI_Console.git --recurse-submodules
- Console mode:
- run app -> Project.exe --run
- install service -> Project.exe --install [service_name] [--silent]
- uninstall service -> Project.exe --uninstall [service_name] [--silent]
- print help > Project.exe --help or Project.exe -h
- GUI mode:
- just open the exe
- Windows service mode:
- install service with gui mode or console mode
- Console mode:
- support for Windows Event Viewer
- support services with custom names
- support custom service params
- you can use the application in GUI mode, console mode or as windows service
If you need support, add a star to the repository and don't hesitate to contact me at zitrokarol@gmail.com