Releases: karsany/obridge
Releases · karsany/obridge
OBridge v1.4
Final version of OBridge v1.4
- ojdbc version change
- mustache version change
- new obridge.xml parameters: packagesLike and sourceOwner
- new ARRAY() --> connection.createOracleArray()
- obridge-maven-plugin works again is dev. env.
- java version change: 1.6 -> 1.8 (generated code is still 1.6 compatible)
OBridge v1.3.1
OBridge v1.3
Final version of OBridge 1.3
- some code cleaning and refactoring
- support for RAW and BLOB datatypes
- configurable logging in xml configuration
<initializer>private static final java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(%s.class.getName());</initializer>
OBridge v1.2
Final version of OBridge 1.2
- using Generated annotation in generated files
- handling list of primitive types fixed + testcase
- changed exception handling in generated code
- new type of database calls: [storedprocedure](Datasource ds, [Storedprocedure] ctx)
- created some new testcases
- [FIX] #21 code generation for functions: handle return value
- [DOC] licence header for files
- some code refactoring
OBridge v1.1
Final version of OBridge 1.1
- generates code for calling procedures and functions not in a plsql package
- source code refactored
- generated package classes are final and have a private constructor
- sonar metrics enhancement
OBridge v1.0
Final version of OBridge 1.0
- SYS_REFCURSOR as ResultSet handling
- [FIX] #18 (object types with INTEGER fields)
OBridge v1.0-alpha3
- automatic output code formatting (thanks for )
- handling tables of primitive oracle types #16
- source code refactor - sonarqube
- [FIX] #12 (procedures with quotation marks)
- [FIX] #14 (boolean return values)
OBridge v1.0-alpha2
- test cases created for generated code
- generated code can handle its own database connection
- spring-jdbc and google guava (Joiner class) dependency removed and replaced with own implemented version - compiled unified jar size decreased
- handles collection types without the naming convention ..._LIST
- [FIX] null handling for in/out parameters
- [FIX] date handling
- [FIX] column index problem with function returns #11
OBridge v1.0-alpha1
first public release