This is an e-commerce website developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, XML and MY SQL.
This web project is done to implement the concept of basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together
to make a online Watch store. This page recommends the new and top selling brands of watches
and their link to purchase them. It also contains a login page, register page and feedback
page to use the concept of JavaScript to implement in them for validating the user
or client-side data validation.
- 3d Text effects used in store page.
- Products are displayed in a card.
- Added JavaScript validation to register, login and feedback page.
- Shows alert when the required fields are not filled properly.
- Used top side navigation bar to access other pages.
- Added hover text animation in all pages.
- Used transparent style login, register, and feedback page.
- Used PHP My Admin for creating Databases.
- Used BLOWFISH encryption for storing user credentials.
- Uses Dynamic method of printing products by adding products in Database.
- Added Remember Me (Stores User Password and details) for limited time.
- Added cookies for ADD TO CART option.
- Generates Product Bill as XML and we can view them.
Feel free to fork This Project to see other web pages.