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Hapi Api Boilerplate

This Boilerplate is ready to use pack having very exciting feature of HapiJs and MongooseJs. This Boilerplate having some of common plugin which can be used as per required. This Boilerplate will give you a quick start to your Node Application Server with HapiJs. We are Hapi to release this exciting version to build your Node app on Hapi-Api-Boilerplate. It's by default gives you the ToDoApplication API's. It will help you to understand and build your own API's.

When run this boilerplate first time, it will ask for auth key of GMail notification integration and send you email on application start. Update the Bootstrap.js Test Task.

How to create gmail secret key and update the .env file gmail object credentials

  • Open link
  • Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API.
  • Click Continue, then Go to credentials.
  • At the top of the page, select the OAuth consent screen tab. Select an Email address, enter a Product name if not already set, and click the Save button.
  • Select the Credentials tab, click the Create credentials button and select OAuth client ID.
  • Select the application type Other, enter the any name "gmail-node-app", and click the Create button.
  • Click OK to dismiss the resulting dialog.
  • Click the file_download (Download JSON) button to the right of the client ID.
  • Copy the file data from from Downloaded JSON and update the /config/Config.json file.


  • NodeJs v4.x and above required.
  • MongoDB Server 3.2.x and above required.


This library is available for Node v4 and above. See the installation steps below:


$ git clone

NPM Install(npm)

$ npm install
$ node app.js (By Default you can see server running on Address http://localhost:9999)

Build your own project and remove default ToDoApplication

Execute this command inside your project root directory. This will remove unwanted files which was use for ToDoApplication.


Refer Blog for Kick-Start

Rename sample.env to .env and update the file.

Boilerplate Structure

  • api
    • CreateFolder(auth)
      • FileName.route.js (login.route.js)
      • FileName.service.js (login.service.js)
      • FileName.spec.js (login.spec.js)
      • CreateFolder (You can make sub-nesting folder..)
        • FileName.route.js (So on ..)
        • FileName.service.js (So on ..)
        • FileName.spec.js (So on ..)
    • CreateFolder (So on ..)
      • FileName.route.js (So on ..)
      • FileName.service.js (So on ..)
      • FileName.spec.js (So on ..)
  • modules (It broadly contains the custom modules)
    • coreComponents (It has all the main functionality of the core architecture)
      • bootstrap.js (When application gets up the task present inside get executed.)
      • globalEventRegister.js (Add the events which need to access from anywhere from the codebase.)
      • globalMethod.js (We can add application level global methods which can be used directly eg. requireFile("FileName"))
      • hapiPlugin.js (Add hapi plugins here.)
      • validateEnv.js (Use this file to add environment variable validation.)
    • customPlugin (Add hapi custom plugin here)
    • globalEvent (Add global events here)
      • email.js
      • notification.js (It is just a sample file. Showing the file structure and usage.)
      • So on...
  • db
    • modules
      • ToDoList.js (It is M from MVC framework. Containing the ToDoApp model.)
      • User.js (It contain the User model which interact with mongodb.)
    • schema
      • User.js (Containing ToDoApplication User Schema)
      • Sample.js (Its is just a sample file. Showing the file structure and usage.)
  • node_modules
    • contains all the dependency ...
  • client (Contain all public folder)
    • index.html
    • css
    • So on..
  • app.js (main file of the project)

Setting up configuration (Folder: modules/coreComponents/bootstrap.js)##


Bootstrap.js is a task runner file which executes on start of application according to appropriate environment settings. See below given snippet for quick start to create task named Test and run on development environment

module.exports = function (environment, callback) {

    //Add your task name here
    var env = {
        "development": [Test]

    //Create your task like function
    function Test(callback) {'Test Task Runner');
        callback(null, 'Test Task Runner')

Use .env to add configuration refer: sample.env file.

It contains all the application level configuration variables. Use .env file by process.env.{your-variable-name} as global variable.

#Server Variables

#Mongodb Variables

#GMail Variables

db Database Schema and its Module


db/schema is a home for all mongoose domain. You just have to create file like User.js, define mongoose schema into file, that's all. You can access your mongoose modal form any where in boilerplate (routes, bootstarp files) by Modal object. Examples are given below:

Define Sample Domain####

Define Sample Domain in /db/schema/Sample.js

"use strict";

//Define Sample Schema
var sample = {
    schema: {
        id: Number,
        sampleData: String,
        sampleItem: String
    modelMethods: [
            name: 'M1',
            action: ()=> {
                console.log('I am sample method M1');
            name: 'M2',
            action: ()=> {
                console.log('I am sample method M2');


// Schema
module.exports = sample;

Sample Modules####

Use Define Sample Module in /db/modules/sample.js

'use strict';

module.exports = {
    saveSample: (callback)=> {

        // Creating Sample data object
        var sData = new Model.Sample({

        // Calling model method
        // Save into database;
    getSample: (callback)=> {

##How to define Routes##

API Route###

api is a folder where we can define routes. Create folder in side api folder or you can directly create file with any name we want. File should follow the *.route.js notation. Here * will be replaced by any filename.

"use strict";
var Joi = require('joi');
//Routs Lists
module.exports = [
        path: '/sample/test/special',
        method: 'GET',
        config: {
            description: 'Get Test-1',
            notes: 'Yes, I am doing testing',
            tags: ['api'],
            handler: (request, reply)=> {
                reply({status: 'my ecma6 special reply'});
        path: '/sample/test/test2',
        method: ['GET', 'POST'],
        config: {
            description: 'Get Test-2',
            notes: 'Yes, I am doing testing',
            tags: ['api'],
            handler: function (request, reply) {
                reply({status: 'I am Test-2 API'});
        //Here you can add more routs (Hapi Syntax)

Route Authentication Mechanism

To authenticate the API's here we have used [JSON Web Token]:, which help us to secure our routes just by adding one field in route config:{} object. which is auth:"jwt" to enable the secure route and auth:false to disable the routes. Refer the File: api/toDoList/addTask.route.js.

  • How to create User Token at the time of login First require the package npm install jsonwebtoken
var JWT   = require('jsonwebtoken');
  • Sign the Token with same secret key available in /config/Config.json. Field: jwt:'your-secret-key'
let token = JWT.sign(userData, global._APP_CONFIG.jwt.key);
  • Setting this key in Response data and response header.
  message:'successfully login',
}).header("Authorization", token);
  • All the future request raise by client containing with authorization header can access authenticated API's. Try this in terminal
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6Imthc2hpc2hndXB0YTE5OTBAeWFob28uY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNDY4OTI2MDY3fQ.FNtiiSkQDSvfG4KZfB6f7MMMjlJ2lNTpLpMYJz83Y1o' 'http://localhost:9999/api/v1/todolist'
  • Access Token (decoded) Data inside Route Handler Token generated at the time of login should be available in the request header with the request.tokenData This token contains the user data or what ever you want to save at the time of login. Refer api/auth/login.route.js

  • Generate & save token Login API Example

var JWT = require('jsonwebtoken');
        path: '/api/v1/auth/login',
        method: ['POST'],
        config: {
            description: 'Login Here',
            notes: 'Do login here',
            tags: ['api'],
            auth: false, // This is use for open route
            plugins: {
                'hapi-swagger': {
                    responses: {
                        '200': {
                            'description': 'Success',
                            'schema': Joi.object({
                                message:'Successfully Login'
                        '400': {'description': 'Bad Request'}
                    payloadType: 'json'
            handler: function (request, reply) {

                var dbPayload = {
                    password: request.payload.password
                dao.user.validateUser(dbPayload, (err, data)=>{
                            let userData = {
                            let token = JWT.sign(userData, global._APP_CONFIG.jwt.key);

                                message:'successfully login',
                            }).header("Authorization", token);
                                message:'Invalid User or Password',
  • Access Token Data API Refer File: /api/toDoList/addTask.route.js
        path: '/api/v1/todolist',
        method: ['POST'],
        config: {
            description: 'Add new ToDo Task',
            notes: 'Add new ToDo Task',
            tags: ['api'],
            validate: {
                payload: {
                    description: Joi.string().required()
                headers: Joi.object({
                    'authorization': Joi.string().required()
            auth: 'jwt', // This is use for auth routes
            handler: (request, reply)=> {
               // Access Secure Token User Data
               console.log('Token Data: ',request.tokenData);

Cloud Platform Support

We support Heroku cloud platform as a service (PaaS). It's very easy to deploy on Heroku server just update your application config.json file with appropriate environment name, server, cookies and database settings. Finally push your code to heroku master branch rest will automatically done by Heroku.

Docker Support

We support Docker Container as a service (CaaS). It's very easy to build the Hapi Api Boilerplate docker image with updated codebase and run the container on any type production environment.

Step-1 Create docker image

To create docker image we need to run simple docker command docker build -t kashishgupta1990/hapiapi . . Here kashishgupta1990/hapiapi is the name of the image you can the change the image name on your own. This command use the Dockerfile present in root folder of the project and build the Docker Image of current project state.

docker build -t kashishgupta1990/hapiapi .

Step-2 Test the docker container

To test the newly created docker image, we need to execute the command docker run --name "hapiapi" -p 9999:9999 kashishgupta1990/hapiapitest. This will create docker container and you can test your Docker Image via just check the server listening on PORT: 9999. If YES then your did well :)

docker run --name "hapiapitest" -p 9999:9999  kashishgupta1990/hapiapitest

Step-3 Execute the docker container on background

Run the command to execute on background docker run -d --name "hapiapi" -p 9999:9999 kashishgupta1990/hapiapitest

docker run -d --name "hapiapiprod" -p 9999:9999  kashishgupta1990/hapiapitest

Step-4 Check the docker container LOGS

  • Check the existing container running on system
docker ps -a
  • Select the CONTAINER ID / NAMES (look like -> aea8bf1d2562) and copy it. Run the following command. It will return you container terminal.
docker exec -it hapiapi /bin/bash
docker exec -it aea8bf1d2562 /bin/bash
  • Type command: pm2 logs
pm2 logs

Lets Build Together

Just open an issue in case found any bug(There is always a scope of improvement). We are always open for suggestion / issue / add new feature request. Fork and start creating pull request. :-)