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Releases: kasprzakdanielt/FFMPEG-MKV-AudioCodec-Changer

FFMPEGQueueTool v0.2 - beta

28 May 19:22
Choose a tag to compare

How to start

  1. Requires Java 12(at least that is what I'm working on)
  2. Unpack
  3. Execute Start.bat
  4. Write some impressions, suggestions. It was made for myself but I could turn it into something bigger.

How to use

  1. Drag one or more mkv files into the app window
  2. Click on output location box and specify where to save encoded files
  3. Choose which audio codec you want
  4. Press start and wait :)

What works:

  • Drag & drop multiple files (it allows only mkv for now)
  • Choosing audio codecs (ac3, mp3, aac, flac)
  • Click on output path window to choose a folder
  • File status updates
  • Shows current audio codec(uses ffprobe)

What doesnt work:

  • Deleting files from queue
  • Adding files through a button
  • Output folder has to be without any spaces(I will fix that later if I can)
  • There is no error handling if conversion goes wrong