Kataru 「カタル」 is a system for interactive dialogue based on YAML, parsed in Rust.
Unity-Kataru packages it nicely with scripts that make it possible to use in Unity.
Kataru is similar to Twine and Yarn Spinner except with more support for organizing passages and sharing common functionality across multiple characters.
# Define what namespace this file is in.
namespace: global
coffee: 0
$passage.completed: 0
# Configure the scene. List your characters, commands, etc.
duration: 0.3
clip: ""
$passage.completed +: 1
- May: Welcome to my story!
- June: Want a coffee?
- choices:
Yes: YesCoffee
No: NoCoffee
- May: Yeah, thanks!
- set:
$coffee +: 1
- May.SetAnimatorTrigger: [ "drinkcoffee" ]
- call: End
- May: No thanks.
- Wait: { duration: 1 }
- June: Want to end this story?
- call: End
- May: The end!
- Simple and lightweight
- Organize dialogue, state, characters, and commands into local namespaces
- Character-specific commands
- Syntax highlighting and Unity integration
As well as conditionals, variables, and everything else you expect in a dialogue language.
Read kataru-lang.github.io/#/installation.
Once downloaded, check out the examples.
For Unity-Kataru bugs or feature requests, file an issue. Kataru bugs should get filed in the kataru repo. For other concerns, contact kataru-dev@gmail.com.
To produce a valid LLVM bytecode file for Unity to consume, we use build-std
to compile the standard library into the produced bytecode.
This is done via:
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
cargo +nightly rustc --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc --all-features -Z build-std -Z unstable-options --crate-type=staticlib --release -- --emit=llvm-bc
emar r .Rust/target/release/deps/kataru_ffi.a .Rust\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\deps\kataru_ffi-*.bc
Unity-Kataru is licensed under the MIT License. Credit is appreciated but not required.
Made by Josiah Putman with help from Angela He.