University Of California, San Diego
- San Diego, CA, USA
- in/kate-rebello-a38235194
- Pro
gitactionsTest Public
This repository is created just to try out how git actions work for setting up CI/CD pipeline.
Python UpdatedNov 14, 2024 -
CSE210-littlefoot Public
Forked from goblindegook/littlefootTypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2024 -
Instagram_clone_laravel Public
SEM5 wdl project,An Instagram clone using Laravel(php framework)
PHP UpdatedFeb 1, 2023 -
Hacktober20fest21 Public
Forked from harshitmody72/Hacktober20fest21Hacktoberfest Challenge, create algorithms, programs in any programming language you love and prefer! Check ISSUE section for ideas
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest-web Public
Forked from roshankcpkr/projectsshowDo you know about HTML, CSS, python, c, c++, and js? Well, you can use any language you know. We want to create a simple website with various functionalities, pages, and designs. Drop your projects…
CSS UpdatedOct 2, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest_2021 Public
Forked from wafarifki/Hacktoberfest_2021Hello, Welcome to this repo. don't forget to read guidelines in readme.md
Python UpdatedOct 2, 2021 -
ds-and-algos Public
Forked from apoorv26699/ds-and-algosHacktoberfest 2021 repo for first time open-source contributors, add any DSA based PR
Python UpdatedOct 2, 2021 -
Marathi_POS-tagger Public
Forked from akshadashelar/Marathi_POS-taggerUnigram tagger technique for POS tagging.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 19, 2021 -
electronic-store-laravel Public
Sem5 DBMS project on electronic store management system done using laravel(php framework)
HacktoberFest2020 Public
Forked from Purusottamdas/HacktoberFest2020-1Contribute for hacktoberfest 2020
HTML UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
Project-basil Public
Forked from Webwiznitr/Project-basilThe scope of the project is to design a roadmap website. The vision of this project is to provide tracks to beginners in different fields of technology like AI, ML, Web Development, App Development…
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2020 -
fullstack-course4 Public
Forked from jhu-ep-coursera/fullstack-course4Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course
JavaScript UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -