The rules of tic-tac-toe are as follows:
- There are two players in the game (X and O)
- Players take turns until the game is over
- A player can claim a field if it is not already taken
- A turn ends when a player claims a field
- A player wins if they claim all the fields in a row, column or diagonal
- A game is over if a player wins
- A game is over when all fields are taken
Build the business logic for a game of tic tac toe. It should be easy to implement a working game of tic tac toe by combining your code with any user interface, whether web or command line.
- First step of implementation is definitely to figure out the data structure
- Played around in the console and realised that can structure the grid as a multi-dimensional array
- Required to reference each cell
- Follows structure of [row] [col]
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