This script was created to convert individual sample files previously made by Data Splitter into generic PmagPy format. Files produced by this script can be used with PmagPy Demag GUI and Field intensity is output in A/m assuming a sample volume of 10cc.
Put individual sample files (such as those split by Data Splitter) that you want converted into the /input/ folder.
Set AF or thermal demag via line 32:
For AF demag (default): next_line = " ".join(str(x) for x in next_line_array).replace("Cm","A") For Thermal demag: next_line = " ".join(str(x) for x in next_line_array).replace("Cm","T")
Run the script
Check the /output/ folder for your converted files.
This script requires .dat files that you want converted placed into the /input/ folder.
This script will create converted files with the same name. The converted files will write to the /output/ folder.
This script was made in conjunction with the Data Splitter script. It is intended to be used afterwards to convert data to PmagPy generic/ friendly formats.
This script is published under the MIT license.