Modifications for the ClockworkPi DevTerm R01
You may notice that things here are awfully simple. i've tried to keep everything - if you want to look underneath - 1-2 commands away. For now, they will have to stay simple, until i get the behavior i want.
Everything today is a wrapper of a wrapper of another wrapper, and when i am trying to figure something out, i have to go through chains of dependencies when most of the times, all that's been abstracted into oblivion is: "cat $file".
- It's preferable that you flash a fresh DevTerm install from: . (You can use Balena Etcher to easily write to an SD Card)
- Once booted, you will first need to get internet connectivity: Press Ctrl+Alt+n to to open NetworkManager and connect to your favorite wi-fi.
- Open up a terminal Ctrl+Alt+t and clone the repo:
git clone
- cd r01
- Check variables at the top. Edit your timezone.
- make help to see the available options or make all if you're comfortable with everything.
- Once the setup is complete, reboot your DevTerm.
- make cursor - Enable cursor visibility (Not 'the one', but it will do the job).
- make accelerated - Install the fbturbo Accelerated 2D graphics in X11 driver.
- make notneeded - This is a list of services that i personally don't see the need for, but which you may want to enable in some specific cases where you need particular functionality.
- make fbterm - Enable the blinking cursor while logged on tty. (It looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but it's not a duck)"
- make expand - If you have a large sdcard and you'd like to expand the filesystem.
- make revert - Revert the majority to the original. (can't undo apt updates. that would be silly)
r01.battery - gives a few battery insights.
r01.temp - shows the current temperature. - A few tools like swapping between graphical or text boot modes, and others.
r01.systemd - a few systemd options i use more frequently to debug.
r01.stopx - stop a startx session (tty1 - default. change variable if you prefer different).
r01.expand - expands the "/" partition.
r01.undo - undo fbterm.