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The Oldest Profession Is Not What You Think

Contrary to what you have been told, the oldest profession is actually Journalist:

"a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast."

Author: Carlos Rodrigues

Report_date: xx_05_2017

Contrary to what you've heard, journalist is the oldest profession in the world, because “In the beginning”, someone had to have been there when Eve and Adam ate the apple from the forbidden tree! Otherwise how could we ever know where humanity began?

However the reality as we know it, started to change...

import pandas as pd
import json
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

The data was aquired and saved to a file using a separated python script (find on attachment).

# with open('wiki-data-v2.json') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
# def get_json(string):
#     string = string.replace(',\n', '')
#     return json.loads(string)
# df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(map(get_json, content))
df = pd.read_json('wiki-data-v999')

The story that follows is told around a chunk of data from Wikipedia (precisly Wikipedia metadata). The fun came up by noticing the top user names per amount of actions performed on Wikipedia!

df.groupby('user')['action'].count() \
                            .reset_index(name='count') \
                            .sort_values(['count'], ascending=False) \
user count
370 HostBot 199
384 InternetArchiveBot 129
228 BD2412 98
226 AvalerionV 60
385 Iridescent 52
662 William Avery 49
542 Onel5969 49
382 InceptionBot 38
278 Corkythehornetfan 26

Fact: some of the usernames end up in "...Bot"

Hum, ok there is a variable that identifies the Bots ("is_bot") but is it trustful? Lets check ourselves if it capture all the obviouse Bot usernames?

bot_df = df[['user', 'action', 'is_bot', 'change_size', 'ns']]
regex = r'.*[bB][oO][tT]'
bot_df['my_is_bot'] = df.user.str.match(regex)
user action is_bot change_size ns my_is_bot
0 Terriffic Dunker Guy edit False 99.0 Main False
1 VICTOR ERNESTO RODRIGUEZ create False NaN Special False
10 M2545 edit False 445.0 Main False
100 edit False -1.0 Main False
1000 Hyacinth edit False 203.0 Category False
isbot = pd.DataFrame(bot_df.is_bot.value_counts().reset_index())
myisbot = pd.DataFrame(bot_df.my_is_bot.value_counts().reset_index())
check_bots = pd.merge(isbot,myisbot)
check_bots.set_index(check_bots['index']).drop('index', axis = 1)

index is_bot my_is_bot
0 False 1972 1759
1 True 222 435

Looks like it doesn't!!! Not all the bot usernames are identified through the "is_bot" variable and perhaps there are other bots non explicit by the username!

But why not filter only by the my_is_bot variable? Since we know it capture 435 bot actions?

(Lets create a new dataframe with all possible bots accounts)

bots = bot_df.query('is_bot == True or my_is_bot == True')

One row has a username that is not crystal clear!

bots.query("is_bot == True and my_is_bot == False")
user action is_bot change_size ns my_is_bot
645 Ops Monitor (WMF) edit True -9.0 User False

That's why it is important to never discard data, some important information is in the details!

Lets label this dataset as actions performed by humans or bots

# Just to be faster than an df.apply(...)
bot_df['user_or_bot'] = 'human'
bot_df.loc[(bot_df['is_bot'] == True) | (bot_df['my_is_bot'] == True), 'user_or_bot'] = 'bot'
human    1758
bot       436
Name: user_or_bot, dtype: int64

24.8% of the actions were performed by a machines!

What kind of 'Actions' the bots usually perform?

unique_action = bot_df.query("user_or_bot == 'bot'").action.unique()

# Just for the sake of printing the list to show there is only one action, I am using the print as a function,
# which is a "limitation" of python 2.7
from __future__ import print_function
map(lambda x: print(x), unique_action)


Lets visualise the impact in terms of content changed by humans or bots, in Wikipedia!


g = sns.factorplot(x="user_or_bot", y="change_size", data=bot_df,
                   size=8, kind="bar", palette="muted")

g.set_ylabels("Amount of content changed")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1159faf10>


Lets pick up from our story

Wikipedia is the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet (launched at 2001)

Nowadays the content generated or removed from it, is mainly managed and generated by AI, in this case bots!

Indeed the reality changed, while in the older days content was generated by journalists.

from IPython.display import Image

# Image source:
# (Good opinion article for further reading) 


Certainly a question that I cannot answer, but maybe the dataset can give us an hint!?

bot_df['action_count'] = 1

Selecting only the entries where the action is "edit" because:

  • other actions have NaN values
  • not bias the analyse since the bots are just present on "edit" actions
bot_df['change_size'] = bot_df['change_size'].abs()
grouped_df = bot_df.query('action == "edit"').groupby('user')[['change_size', 'action_count', 'user_or_bot']].sum()
grouped_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

joined_df = grouped_df.merge(bot_df[['user', 'user_or_bot']], on='user', how='left').drop_duplicates()
human    618
bot       25
Name: user_or_bot, dtype: int64
Only 25 different Bots are presented in this dataset
g2 = sns.lmplot(y="change_size", x="action_count", hue="user_or_bot", data=joined_df, size=7)


To conclude, it is a fact that Wikipedia, the largest center of information, is actually maily managed by Bots.



(note: we found an outlier which has the human characterictc and and unlikely amount of "change_size", following the initial story we can say he is a "journalist"!)

Attachement #1

Code used to receive JSONs from wikimon websocket into a file.

import time from websocket import create_connection import json

def get_time(): return time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())).split(' ')[3]

ws = create_connection("ws://")

f = open('xxxxx.xx', 'w')

t_end = time.time() + 10 * 90

while time.time() < t_end: result = ws.recv() result = json.loads(result) result[u'timestamp'] = get_time() json.dump(result, f) f.write(',\n')



Python EDA about wikipedia Meta-data







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