These templates have been created to comply with The University of Melbourne Web Brand Guidelines
Copyright 2011 The University of Melbourne
The contents of this repository have been produced by The University of Melbourne for internal use and must not be distributed without the express permission of The University of Melbourne.
##Deployed package changes (requiring re-download/markup modifications)
- Changed form labels to legends to make them more accessible (& adjusted CSS)
##Globalised changes (centrally applied)
- Modified heading text colour for contrast
- Modified navigational link colours to provide additional colour differentiation
- Improved IE6/7 support for tables
Minor changes.
#0.9.3 ##Deploy package changes
- Reordered heading structures to be more useful for screen readers
- Removed lightbox/modal box code until WCAG 2.0 AA compliant approach can be determined. Currently investigating
- Changed all references to Faculty of Foo and the Graduate School of Bar
- Adjusted placeholder text to make it more unique
- Added "LATEST" path instead of "EDGE". LATEST always references the latest version of the template assets. EDGE references the current working version (HEAD/nightly). Specific versions remain the same
##Globalised changes
- Modified contrast to be WCAG 2.0 AA compliant
- Removed keyboard trap with sliding news banner on index.html. This now allows users to tab through using only a keyboard
- Added labels to translate items
- Adjusted Skip link CSS to visually hide skip links (via text-indent) instead of display:none
- Fixed navigation focus order to make it so that the More Link is highlighted after the parent link.
- Removed media declaration from complete.css style tag to allow print stylesheet support
- Improved h1–h6 structure (in the markup) and styles
- Addressed a number of accessibility issues to attain WCAG 2.0 AA Support (pending Andrew Normand final review)
- Added 'back to top' link
- Fixed injection issues in Opera
- Fixed newbanner display issues on IE6/7
- Print stylesheet support
- Hover state support to global css
- Added visited state to global css
- Beefed up the font stack for redundancy
- Increased HTML5 transition speed on linkI wans to 150ms from 300ms to appear more responsive
- Renamed SCSS files to cause generation of an complete.css file
- Fixed text contrast in internal footer
- Changed search and translate images to text based links
- Changed google translate functionality to open in new window rather than in-page
- Fixed main menu colour to make them different from heading colours (to resolve WCAG 2.0 AA compliance issue)
- Fixed heading hierarchies a little (requires re-download of deploy package as markup has changed - hey, that's what a beta is for ;-) )
- Worked on block quote styles.
- Fixed filenames in package to make them make sense (e.g. Index is now a homepage style, content page is now content.html. Homepage-alt is still homepage-alt.html)