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Dinamically create and destroy controls in ajax calls

Christian Pradelli edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Dinamically create controls via ajax

IWBS controls can be dynamically created in ajax calls, after being created, controls are automatically rendered in active page as in regular vcl applications.

For example you can design a complete TIWFrame and you can add to current form at runtime with following code:

procedure TIWForm2.IWBSButton26AsyncClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList);
  cmp: TIWFrame1;
  cmp := TIWFrame1.Create(Self);
  cmp.Name := IWBSGetUniqueComponentName(Self,'frame');
  cmp.Parent := IWBSRegion17;

Force component refresh

If for any reason you need to refresh a control in ajax call, you can manually do with the AsyncRefreshControl procedure.

For example, if you are creating several components at one time you will get better performance if you force an AsyncRefreshControl on the parent region of that components so they will be rendered all in a single step.

Dinamically destroy controls in ajax calls

For remove components in ajax calls you have two options:

  • Before destroy component, execute AsyncRemoveControl procedure on that control.
  • Force an AsyncRefreshControl on the parent container of that component.

IWBSModal region has also a property to auto destroy and remove component from DOM when you close it:

IWBSModal.DestroyOnHide := True;