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Goto settings and change database configerations before run the server. If you are using nodemon to start the server use "nomdemon run start" command.

Can use these endpoints to interact with employee_table (LOG IN with MOH credentials) 1.>>>GET - get list of employees - localhost:8000/api/employee/all 2.>>>GET - get details of an emp - localhost:8000/api/employee/all?empid=178 3.>>>POST - Add employee - localhost:8000/api/employee body -
{ "empId" : "10051", "salId" : "20051", "empName" : "A.B.C.David", "bdate" : "1987-09-12", "empType" : "3", "sex" : "F" } 5. >>>PUT - update an employee details - localhost:8000/api/employee?empid=10058 body - { "salId" : "10057", "empName" : "T.U.Nimali", "bdate" : "1989-01-10", "empType" : "3", "sex" : "F" } 6. >>>DELETE- delete an employee - localhost:8000/api/employee?empid=10058

Can use these endpoints to interact with daily_attendance 1.>>>GET - get attendance list - localhost:8000/api/attendance/all 2.>>>GET - get attendance by date - localhost:8000/api/attendance/all?date=2020-02-05 3.>>>GET - get attendance of a div by 0 - localhost:8000/api/attendance/all?date=2020-05-16&div=3 4.>>>GET - get number of attended dates - localhost:8000/report/absentee?empID='1758'&month=5 5.>>>GET - get full daily attendence report - localhost:8000/report/dAttendence?date='2020-09-16' 6.>>>POST - Add employee attendance - localhost:8000/api/attendance

                    {"date": "2020-05-12","div": 2,"empId": 215,"mode": 1},
                    {"date": "2020-05-12","div": 2,"empId": 211,"mode": 2},
                    {"date": "2020-05-12","div": 2,"empId": 212,"mode": 1}
7. >>>PUT - update the attendance detail - localhost:8000/api/attendance?empid=178&date=2020-05-12
    body -  
            "div"   : 1,
            "mode"  : 0
8. >>>DELETE- delete an attendace record      - localhost:8000/api/attendance?empid=178&date='2020-05-12'

Can use these endpoint to interact with vehicle_detail table 1.>>>GET - get list of vehicles - localhost:8000/api/vehicle/all

Can use these endpoint to interact with division table 1.>>>GET - get list of divisions - localhost:8000/api/division/all 2.>>>GET - get details of a division - localhost:8000/api/division/all?divno=2

Can use these end points to interact with gin_types and gout_types(change the table name to gdetail) 1.>>>GET - get the unit price for a garbage type - localhost:8000/api/gintype/unitp?gtype=Degradable 2.>>>GET - get all data - localhost:8000/api/gintype/all 3.>>>POST - add a new garbage type - localhost:8000/api/gintype body - [ { "gID" : "19", "gtype" : "compost", "unitp" : "1200" } ] 4.>>>PUT - change the detail of a type - localhost:8000/api/gintype?gID=19 { "unitp": "120" } 5.>>>DELETE - delete a type - localhost:8000/api/gintype?gID=19

Can use these end points to interact with gin_billed 1.>>>GET - get detail by invoice number - localhost:8000/api/ginbill/all?invoice=122 2.>>>GET - get detail by date - localhost:8000/api/ginbill/all?inday="2020-12-12" 3.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - Weight Summary localhost:8000/report/dRange/billed?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30' Price Summary localhost:8000/report/dRange/billedAmount?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30' 4.>>>POST - add a garbage in entry - localhost:8000/api/ginbill body - [ { "invoice" : "122", "inday" : "2020-12-12", "time" : "13:13:13", "gtypo" : "1", "weight" : "12", "amnt" : "1440" } ]

Can use these end points to interact with gin_unbilled table 1.>>>GET - get detail by date - localhost:8000/api/gunbill/all?inday=2020-09-07 2.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - localhost:8000/report/dRange/unbilled?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30' 3.>>>POST - add a garbage in entry - localhost:8000/api/gunbill body - [ { "inday": "2020-09-09", "time": "13:13:13", "gtypo": "1", "weight": "67" } ]

Can use these end points to interact with garbage_out table 1.>>>GET - get detail by invoice number - localhost:8000/api/gout/all?invoice=30000 2.>>>GET - get detail by date - localhost:8000/api/gout/all?oday='2020-09-06' 3.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - Weight Summary localhost:8000/report/dRange/gOut?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30' Price summary localhost:8000/report/dRange/gOutPrice?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30' 4.>>>POST - add garbage out detail - localhost:8000/api/compout body - [ { "invoice" : "30005", "oday" : "2020-09-09", "otime" : "12:09:12", "gtype" : "12", "oweight" : "12", "amnt" : "1022.00" } ]

Can use these end points to interact with compost_in table 1.>>>GET - get detail by date - localhost:8000/api/compin/all?inday=2020-12-12 2.>>>POST - add no of produced comp pct - localhost:8000/api/compin body - [ { "inday" : "2020-1-1", "time" : "12:12:12", "pctin" : "12" } ] 3.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - Nof packt Summary localhost:8000/report/dRange/cin?sDate='2020-09-01'&eDate='2020-09-30'

Can use these end points to interact with compost_out table 1.>>>GET - get detail by invoice number - localhost:8000/api/compout/all?invoice=50000 2.>>>GET - get detail by date - localhost:8000/api/compout/all?oday=2020-09-06

3.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - 
    Nof Pct Summary
    Price summary

4.>>>POST - add no of sold comp pct   - localhost:8000/api/compout
    body -  [
                    "invoice"   :   "50002",
                    "oday"      :   "2020-09-12",
                    "otime"     :   "12:09:12",
                    "pctout"    :   "12",
                    "amnt"      :   "1022.00"
2.>>>GET - Get all the entries within a given time period and its summary - 

Can use these end points to interact with vehicle_distribution table 1.>>>GET - GET all details - localhost:8000/api/vehicleout/all 2.>>>GET - GET data by div and date - localhost:8000/api/vehicleout/all?div=2&date=2020-02-04 3.>>>POST - add vehicle distribution detail - localhost:8000/api/vehicleout body - [ { "date" : "2020-02-01", "div" : "2", "vehicleid" : "1", "driver" : "A.B.Kumara" } ]

Can use these end points to interact with vehicle_repair table 1.>>>GET - GET all details - localhost:8000/api/repair/all 2.>>>GET - GET detail by vehicle index - localhost:8000/api/repair/all?vehicleid=1 3.>>>POST - add vehicle repair - localhost:8000/api/repair body -
{ "vehicleid" : 1, "repin" : "2020-08-02", "repout" : "2020-09-08", "replace" : "kurunegala" }

Get data from two tables use join Query inner join - localhost:8000/api/table1/join/inner/table2/joiningFieldFromTable1/joiningFieldFromTable2/fieldsTable1/fieldsTable2?conditions

Query left join - localhost:8000/api/table1/join/left/table2/joiningFieldFromTable1/joiningFieldFromTable2/fieldsTable1/fieldsTable2?where=condition <-get condition from api-map>

Can use these end points to interact with the user_table

1.>>>POST - add a user to the user table - localhost:8000/signup body - { "userName": "rose", "userType": "clerk", "password": "clerk" }

2.>>>PUT - change the password of an existing user - localhost:8000/changePass?uName='meelan' body - { "NewPassword" : "password", "CurrPassword" : "pass" }

Passwords MOH - meelan - pass Clerk -rose - clerk1 Depot - kavinda - depot


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