Assignment 1 (12-09-2021) : The file Contains Hiring Statistics for a company such as experienc of condidte,test scores and interview score, based on these parameter HR has to decide the salary.Build machine learning model for HR department thet helps to decide the salaries for the future candidates.
Assignmnt 2 (14-09-2021) : At the same level as this notebook on github, there is an Exercise folder that contains carprices.csv. This file has car sell prices for 3 different models. First plot data points on a scatter plot chart to see if linear regression model can be applied. If yes, then build a model that can answer following questions,
Predict price of a mercedez benz that is 4 yr old with mileage 45000
Predict price of a BMW X5 that is 7 yr old with mileage 86000
Tell me the score (accuracy) of your model. (Hint: use LinearRegression().score())
Assignment 3: Titanic Passanger Survival Analysis and used titanic.csv file.