Header-only Minecraft region file reader / writer.
#include <minecraft-file.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace mcfile;
using namespace mcfile::je;
using namespace mcfile::u8stream; // for std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream&, std::u8string_view const&)
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
// accessing game data of the nether dimension
World nether(fs::path("somewhere/.minecraft/saves/world/DIM-1"));
// read region file from world/DIM-1/regions/r.0.0.mca
std::shared_ptr<Region> region = nether.region(0, 0);
// query whether the chunk (1, 2) is stored in the mca file
std::cout << region->chunkExists(1, 2) << std::endl; // ture/false
std::shared_ptr<Chunk> invalid = region->chunkAt(999, 999); // nullptr because chunk [999, 999] is not stored in r.0.0.mca
std::shared_ptr<Chunk> chunk = region->chunkAt(0, 0);
std::shared_ptr<Block const> invalidBlock = chunk->blockAt(-1, -1, -1); // nullptr because of invalid coordinates
// get block information at (x, y, z) = (0, 1, 2)
std::shared_ptr<Block const> b00 = chunk->blockAt(0, 1, 2);
std::cout << b00->fName << std::endl; // "minecraft:bedrock" etc.
// get biome type at (x, y, z) = (1, 0, 2)
biomes::BiomeId biome = chunk->biomeAt(1, 2);
if (auto biomeName = biomes::Biome::Name(biome, chunk->getDataVersion()); biomeName) {
std::cout << *biomeName << std::endl; // "minecraft:crimson_forest" etc.
// accessing all chunks in the region
bool done = region->loadAllChunks([](Chunk const &c) -> bool {
blocks::BlockId b = c.blockIdAt(c.minBlockX(), 0, c.maxBlockZ());
std::cout << blocks::Name(b, c.getDataVersion()) << std::endl;
return true; // continue
std::cout << done << std::endl; // true if succeeded
// erase chunk data from region
// DANGEROUS: remove chunk (0, 0) from the mca file and overwrite it
// region->clearChunk(0, 0);
// coordinate utilities
std::cout << Coordinate::RegionFromBlock(-1) << std::endl; // -1
// split the region file to compressed chunk files
// ./chunk_data_output_directory/c.0.0.nbt.z
// ├── c.0.0.nbt.z
// ├── c.0.1.nbt.z
// ...
// *.nbt.z can be decompressed: `pigz -z -d < c.0.0.nbt.z > c.0.0.nbt`
// restore *.mca file from compressed chunk files
int const regionX = 0;
int const regionZ = 1;
Region::ConcatCompressedNbt(regionX, regionZ,
- zlib
- libdeflate
- lz4
- icu
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