##A Choose Your Own Adventure Web App built from Sinatra!
Feel free to fork, modify, or do anything you want with this code.
StoryPath is a web app for people to write stories together collaboratively. It has a large focus on the ridiculous nature of the random internet. We decided to embrace this!
###Getting Started
bundle install
rake db:drop
,rake db:create
,rake db:migrate
###The data
- A User is someone who can log in, create a Story or add a Scene to someone else's Story.
- A Story is the entry point to a tale. It points to its first Scene, and has the ability to hold tags for the whole collection of Scenes.
- A Scene is a single snippet of a Story. It contains a description and two choices. Each choice leads to another Scene. This provides the recursive relationship that makes this all possible.
- Users have many Stories
- A Story belongs to one User
- Stories have many Scenes
- A Scene belongs to one Story
####Tables planned but not used:
- Upvotes
####Want to get a feel for how it works? Choose Your StoryPath!