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2. Install gbtools package in R

kbseah edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 8 revisions

Start R. Required packages are sp and plyr, which can be installed like so:


Install with R package manager

Install the latest vesrion of the gbtools package in R from your local copy (found in the R_source_package folder of the repository, replace "x" with the current version number):


where /PATH/TO/ is replaced with the path to wherever you have the R source package.

Load the gbtools package with the library() command:


With this option, you can access the built-in documentation with the help(<function name>) or ?<function name> commands in R, and also easily remove or update the package with new versions.

Install directly from GitHub

You can install the latest version directly from GitHub using install_github from the devtools package.

install.packages("devtools") # Install devtools if you don't already have it

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