Currently, build is failing for MoteinoMEGA boards due to an out-of-date pin definition in platformio. See issue #199 in platform/atmelavr
To fix locally, go to ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/variants/moteinomega/pins_arduino.h
Add in this line at line #72:
#define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) ((p) == 10? 0: (p) == 11? 1: (p) == 2? 2: NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)
Uncomment the last block in platformio.ini and then build again.
KISSLoRaTNC is a work derived from code written by Sandeep Mistry and Mark Qvist
This code was developed using VSCode and Platformio.
KISSLoRaTNC is developed for the:
- Arduino Uno, using the HamShield: LoRa Edition
- Arduino Micro, using the Adafruit RFM96W LoRa Radio Breakout
- MoteinoMEGA-USB with the RFM96 Transceiver
- Arduino Nano, using the Adafruit RFM96W LoRa Radio Breakout
- Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 (V2) Note: should work with other ESP32 LoRa boards that use the same SPI pins
The Config.h file contains the pinouts for the different Arduino-based boards. These pinouts are specific to the microcontroller board and LoRa device pairings in the list above. If you decide to use a different pairing, please adjust Config.h accordingly. Also, please remember that the power output should also be adjusted, as the RFM96W has a max Tx Power value of 20dBm. The HamShield: LoRa Edition 440MHz can be set to 30dBm (1 watt).
"Default" settings are:
- Frequency: 434.450 MHz
- Spreading Factor: 8
- Coding Rate: 7
- Signal Bandwidth: 125 kHz
- Tx Power: 20 (can be set to 30 for HamShield)
- Serial: 38400, 8N1
Basically, after checking the Config.h file for correctness, build and upload to your Arduino-based board.
The KISS SetHardware (0x06) command supports the follow options (PC to TNC):
Option | Data | Description |
0x22 | uint8_t | LoRa Spreading Factor (6 - 12) |
0x23 | uint8_t | LoRa Coding Rate (5 - 8) |
0x24 | uint32_t | LoRa Bandwidth (MSB first) |
0x25 | uint8_t | Transmit Power (0 - 20 dBm) |
0x26 | uint32_t | Frequency (MSB first) |
0x27 | none | Save hardware parameters in EEPROM |
0x28 | none | Restore hardware parameters from EEPROM |
The following examples show what the KISS packet would be (in hex bytes):
To set a Spreading Factor of 12: 0xC0 0x06 0x22 0x0C 0xC0
To set a frequency of 433.775 MHz: 0xC0 0x06 0x25 0x19 0xDA 0xE1 0x98 0xC0
To save hardware parameters in EEPROM: 0xC0 0x06 0x27 0xC0
Note: Follow proper KISS byte escaping if FEND (0xC0) or FESC (0xDB) appear in the data
Preceding each received frame, the SNR and RSSI of the received frame is sent from the TNC to the PC using a KISS SetHardware (0x06) command:
Option | Data | Description |
0x21 | int8_t | SNR (dB) |
int16_t | RSSI (dBm, MSB first) |
For example, for SNR of 10 dB and an RSSI of -45 dBm the packet would be (in hex bytes): 0xC0 0x06 0x21 0x0A 0xFF 0xD3 0xC0
For details on the KISS protocol, please refer to The KISS TNC: A simple Host-to-TNC communications protocol
Useful applications: