Normal profile output only shows top 10 time consuming examples: Top 10 slowest examples: 0.5215740 User downgrades to a person 0.4326950 User finds invalid 0.1914630 User remembering unsets remember token 0.1218360 User is valid 0.0903790 Festival is valid
This enhanced formatter will give you n-slowes examples AND groups: Groups: 5.1150300 Movie 4.9603220 Icon 1.7279670 User 1.4466160 Person 1.1001500 Review 0.6654430 MovieObserver 0.5624980 Tag ...
Single examples:
4.8707710 Icon refresh! resizes existing thumbs
0.9086340 Review releases the movie
0.5203390 Movie finds invalid
0.4428370 MovieObserver sending mails does not send when inactive
0.3279970 Person merging cannot merge with a user
0.3189010 Movie Hyper Estraier searches category_id STREQ
script/plugin install git://
###As single formatter: add to spec/spec.opts: --format RspecEnhancedProfile
###As additional formatter: add to spec/spec.opts: --format progress --format RspecEnhancedProfile:tmp/profile.txt
###Need more then 20 ? PROFILE_SHOW_TOP=100 rake spec
Michael Grosser
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...