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Shake is a small Sass framework that follows the BEM Methodology and has inspired by ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) and Atomic Design. Many techniques have been borrowed from other css frameworks like iotaCSS, Spectre.css, or Bootstrap.

It's a Sass-only framework: there are only Sass variables, functions, mixins, and a very limited amount of css classes. It doesn't contain any theming rules, only some very basics one.

Some highlighted functions:

  • ITCSS file structure
  • BEMit Methodology based class names
  • Modular Sass (Dart Sass 2.0.0 ready)
  • Logical properties used (easily support RTL and Asian languages)
  • Prepared Sass variables, ex: system font-families
  • Responsive font-size and line-height generator
  • Modular and enhanced normalize.css
  • Prepared document settings, ex: font size, links
  • Media-query generator
  • A very light grid generator
  • Container generator
  • Responsive table
  • Responsive video
  • Responsive media object

Getting Started


You can install it easily as node a package:

yarn add -D shake.sass

We use yarn as the package manager, but you can install it via npm too:

npm install --save-dev shake.sass

After the installation, you can import Shake.sass in three different ways:

Import all modules

If you want to use all tools, objects, components, and utilities import it to your main sass file as follows:

@use "your-sass-settings";
@use "node_modules/shake.sass/shake" as *;
@use "your-own-component-one";
@use "your-own-component-two";

Please note: some rarely needed options turned off by default.

  1. First you need to import your Shake.sass overrides and custom variables (optionally you can add a namespace alias like: as variables).
  2. Then import the whole Shake.sass.
  3. Finally you can import your other own Sass files one by one (optionally you can add a namespace alias like: as header or if you want to provide any namespaces: as *).

Note: If you use Sass loader, you can import from node_modules like:

@import "~shake.sass/shake";

Import all modules then turn off unneeded ones

In this case you need import only your settings:

@use "your-sass-settings";

Then copy the original Shake file to your sass files:

cp node_modules/shake.sass/shake.scss ./{your-sass-root}

Afterward, you need to modify all paths in this way:

// an old path
@use "";

// replaced with
@use "node_modules/shake.sass/";

Finally, here you can turn off by commenting out the unneeded modules. But be careful, you may need some essential modules, like:

  • 1.settings/_index.scss

An example main sass file:

@use "your-sass-settings";
@use "shake" as *; // it's your version
@use "your-own-component-one";
@use "your-own-component-two";

Import modules by needs

In this case, you will import only the required tools and settings, then what you need one-by-one.

WARNING: This is the cleanest way but may need more manual work!

For easier importing we provide a _boilertemplate directory with all required sass files, just copy them to your sass source directory like:

cp -a node_modules/shake.sass/_boilertemplate/ ./sass/

This directory contains all modules with documents, but you can drop out easily what you don't need. But keep in mind the and are required by most tools and settings.

The 1.settings directory contains all variables, so you don't need to import them from Shake.sass. The 1.settings contains only global variables, all local variables should be in the related modules. Ex.: All Type Tool related variables should be in

Because we use the Sass modular way, the global variables, settings, mixins, and functions are not globally accessible by default; you should import each of them that you want to use in your current component. You can import the globally needed settings and tools via the shortcut files in the root directory:

@use "../settings";
@use "../tools" as *;

The best if you import only the needed tools to your component like:

@use "../settings";
@use "../" as *;
@use "../" as grid;

.c-header {
  &__logo {
    @include grid.make-column(1.5rem);
    @include grid.column-size(10, 12);
    @include grid.column-offset(1, 12);

    @include breakpoint(large) {
      @include grid.column-size(2, 12);
      @include grid.column-offset(0, 12);


However, all Sass files are highly commented, you can find the full documentation at or in the /docs directory as well.