Legespiel-Solver was written to accompany the following blog post:
Backtracking in The Nursery – How to Solve Scramble Squares
There is also a List of Scramble Squares Puzzles with Solutions and a Scramble Squares Solver Online available.
The Class org.whatsoftwarecando.legespiel.Solver can find all solutions of a certain kind of tile-based game called Scramble Squares (in German: "Legespiel"), in which cards have to be put in a square (or sometimes a rectangle) so that the pictures on the four sides of the cards fit the ones of the cards around it.
You can solve other games of this kind by creating your own implementation of GameConfig. By doing that, you can change the dimensions of the playing field and the pictures on the cards. When you are done, you can use the class name of your GameConfig as a program argument for Solver (see .launch-Files in this folder).