My tool tries to identify multiple causes of pseudogenization, and their information is contained in different columns (column names italicized):
A. Insertion of stop codons
- StopCodon_insertion_starts
- StopCodon_insertion_stops these are coordinates of insertion sites.
B. Replacement of an amino acid codon with a stop codon
- StopCodon_replace_starts -- coordinate of replacement's start position
- StopCodon_replacement -- sequence of the new stop codon
- Original_AminoAcid -- identity of the original amino acid
- Original_codon -- sequence of the original codon.
C. Frameshift
- Frameshift_start --
- Frameshift_length --
- Frameshift_insertion -- all these are intuitive
The last column (named Sequence_of_events) is list the sequence of events, from the starting codon to the last codon of the alignment. As you can see, in many of your cases, each of the pseudogene-like hits has multiple issues.. usually starting with a replacement by stop codon (R) that is often followed by frameshifts (F)
The column modified is 1 if above columns are populated, and 0 if not.
The column t1 is useless.
Before running this tool, you need to run exonerate, using protein sequences as queries and a genome as a target. Use the following exonerate parameters:
exonerate --percent 60 --model protein2genome --showquerygff yes --showtargetgff yes -q QUERY_PROTEINS.fasta -t TARGET_GENOME.fasta --ryo "RYO\t%qi\t%ti\t%ql\t%tl\t%qal\t%qab\t%qae\t%tal\t%tab\t%tae\t%et\t%ei\t%es\t%em\t%pi\t%ps\t%g\nTransitionStart\n%V{%Pqs\t%Pts\t%Pqb\t%Pqe\t%Ptb\t%Pte\t%Pn\t%Pl\n}TransitionEnd\nTargetSeq\n%qs\nAligned Sequences\n>Q\n%qas\n>T\n%tas\nCoding Sequences\n>Q\n%qcs\n>T\n%tcs\n" > EXONERATE_OUTPUT.TXT
Then, process the output file to extract stop codon and frameshift information:
grep -P "Query:|Target:|(Query range:)|(Target range:)|(^[A-Z]\tTAA\t)|(\sframeshift\s)|(^[A-Z]\tTAG\t)|(^[A-Z]\tTGA\t)|(^\*)" EXONERATE_OUTPUT.TXT > EXONERATE_ERRORS.TXT
Also use this perl tool ( by EVM to convert exonerate output file to GFF3 format file.
Finally, use all these input files to create a table of possible pseudogenization events: