The tempescope is a physical display that can recreate various weather conditions (eg: rain, clouds, lightning) inside a box. OpenTempescope is the open source version of tempescope.
The system is composed of three parts: OpenTempescope- the box itself Tempescope Demo App- an app that runs on your iOS device, and connects to OpenTempescope by BLE
For instructions on how to build a tempescope, see:
CONTENTS OF DISTRIBUTION: tempescope: contains source code for the OpenTempescope and Tempescope Demo App hardware: contains the schematics, CAD data etc for the hardware
OpenTempescope/OpenTempescope load this sketch onto an ATMega328p and insert into your OpenTempescope.
OpenTempescope/TempescopeController/TempescopeDemo runs on an iOS device to control your OpenTempescope. The distributed version does not connect to a weather forecast service of any sort- this is left as an exercise for the reader.
For more information about the entire project, see our website at:
Ken Kawamoto (