This software is intended to be used with Docker. It requires Docker privlidges, as it runs Docker itself.
First, we'll go through the basics of running this software in Docker, then I'll show you the basics of running it, pretending Docker isn't involved.
Run a build of your current working directory:
$ docker run --privileged -v $(pwd):/app kennethreitz/bob-builder some-imagename
Run a build of your current working directory, using your native docker instance:
$ docker run --privileged -v $(pwd):/app -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock kennethreitz/bob-builder some-imagename
# Build a Dockerfile-based image.
$ <codepath> <image-name>
Building with Docker.
# Build a Buildpack-style repo.
$ bob-builder <codepath> <image-name>
Building with Heroku-ish.
# Build a Buildpack-style repo with a custom buildpack.
$ bob-builder <codepath> <image-name> --buildpack=<buildpack-url>
Building with Heroku-ish, with custom buildpack.
# Push to registry too.
$ bob-builder <path-to-code> <image-name> --push
# Push to registry (with credentials) too.
$ bob-builder <path-to-code> <image-name> --username=username --password=password --push
By default, each build will be tagged with a uuid4, unless you specify your own tag in the image name.