Java api allows you to connect to the mLicense system and easily use its capabilities from within your app!
Api has few modules:
- Validity
- Licenses
- Products
- Addons
- Blacklists
All operations can be performed synchronously as well as asynchronously.
Add api to your project by maven or gradle.
<name>MineCreators Repository</name>
maven {
name = "minecreatorsRepositoryReleases"
url = uri("")
Once mLicense-SDK is added, we can move on to creating an instance of MLicense.
MLicense license = MLicense.builder()
.logger(LOGGER_PROVIDER) // Optional
- What is secret? This is the key that allows you to use the check validation module.
- What is apiKey? Token allows you to use the other modules (that's it in a nutshell).
Not bad, we created an mLicense instance!
Now a bit of boring theory, each query returns us an OperationResult object.
OperationResult returns 2 objects.
/* depends on the type of query, it can be a boolean or some other object.
The important thing is that it can be a null. */
T getResult();
/* Returned error when the operation fails, also can be nullable. */
Throwable getThrowable();
Both returned values can be nullable.
I'm not boring anymore, let's move on to examples.
// Sync operation
OperationResult<LicenseResult> result = license.checkLicense(
// Async operation
CompletableFuture<OperationResult<LicenseResult>> resultAsync = license.checkLicenseAsync(
As I mentioned, the api currently has 5 modules (including validation).
- LicenseModule
- ProductModule
- AddonModule
- BlacklistModule
try {
LicenseModule licenseModule = license.getModule(LicenseModule.class);
OperationResult<List<License>> syncLicenses = licenseModule.getAll().complete();
CompletableFuture<OperationResult<List<License>>> asyncLicenses = licenseModule.getAll().completeAsync();
// Do somethink
// Other modules example
ProductModule productModule = license.getModule(ProductModule.class);
AddonModule addonModule = license.getModule(AddonModule.class);
BlacklistModule blacklistModule = license.getModule(BlacklistModule.class);
} catch (ModuleDisabledException ignored) {} // Exception is triggered when the JWT token is not specified
The license object returns information such as id, key, description, customer information, addresses, machine and license time.
In a situation where you want to create a license through the api, use the License.createLicense() method.
License license = License.createLicense()
.setId(0) // Set the license id only when you want to update it, not create it.
.setKey(KEY) // You can use too method License.generateKey()
.setClientInfo(CLIENT_NAME, EMAIL, DISCORD_ID) // String, String (Nullable), Long
.setAddressInfo(LIMIT, DURATION, ASSIGNED_TO) // Integer, Long, String (Nullable)
.setMachineInfo(LIMIT, DURATION, ASSIGNED_TO) // Integer, Long, String (Nullable)
.setDurationInfo(DURATION, DELETE_AFTER_EXPIRE) // Long, Boolean
licenseModule.create(license).complete(); //Create license
licenseModule.update(license).complete(); //Update license
Product product = Product.createProduct()
.setId(0) // Set the product id only when you want to update it, not create it.
productModule.create(product).complete(); //Create product
productModule.update(product).complete(); //Update product
Addon addon = Addon.createAddon()
.setId(0) // Set the addon id only when you want to update it, not create it.
addonModule.create(addon).complete(); //Create addon
addonModule.update(addon).complete(); //Update addon
Blacklist blacklist = Blacklist.createBlacklist()
.setValue(VALUE) // Ip or HWID address
.setType(Type.HWID) // Type IP and HWID
blacklistModule.create(blacklist).complete(); //Create blacklist
blacklistModule.update(blacklist).complete(); //Update blacklist