- Install yarn
brew install yarn
- Set up your
cp .env.example .env
- Start ganache
- Either using the app
- Or by running
in a different tab
- Deploy the contracts:
yarn truffle:migrate
- Run the server:
yarn start
- In your browser make sure you have the local ganache network (probably
) selected in metamask
yarn run build
# compile project with tsc, and run `truffle compile` from within build/dist
yarn truffle:compile
# deploy smart contracts to a network
TRUFFLE_NETWORK=<named network in truffle.ts> yarn truffle:migrate
yarn run test:app
yarn run test:truffle
yarn run test
yarn install
yarn add [package-name]
- installs the latest version of the package
yarn upgrade [package-name@version-number]
Please use the Sublime/VS Code package JsPrettier for formatting. Add the following changes to the prettier
"printWidth": 100,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "all",