This project helps you understand how to create email templates for Mailchain using React-Email. Mailchain is a decentralized messaging protocol that allows users to send and receive messages across different web3 identities. React-Email is a popular library that makes it easy to create and send custom HTML email templates. Link to the blog for reference: Using React-Email to create templates for Mailchain
To run this project, you need to have the following:
- A Mailchain account and supported wallet or protocol addresses
- Redis Database (you can create a free account from Upstash)
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository on your local machine:
git clone
Install the dependencies:
npm install # or yarn install # or pnpm install
Add the environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
NEXT_PUBLIC_SECRET_RECOVERY_PHRASE= # retrieve from mailchain settings NEXT_PUBLIC_PRIVATE_MESSAGING_KEY= # retrieve from mailchain settings NEXT_PUBLIC_SENDER_ADDRESS= # Your Mailchain address NEXT_PUBLIC_REDIS_URL= # Redis URL
Run the project:
npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev
Open the project in your browser:
- Mailchain requires either a Secret Recovery Phrase or a Private Messaging Key to send emails to other Web3 identities that it supports. Store your secret recovery phrase or private messaging key securely to prevent unauthorized access.
- If you suspect that your private messaging key has been compromised, re-register your wallet or protocol address to generate a new private messaging key.
- Deploying the app on Vercel might generate a gateway timeout error as it takes more than 5 seconds for Mailchain-SDK to respond to requests and Vercel has a timeout of 5 seconds for the free tier.
We hope you find this project helpful in improving your email communication with Mailchain. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter. Don't forget to give this project a star if you found it useful!