Problem Statement: Fighting misinformation and promoting media literacy
1. Anand Pillai
2. Kevin Abey Issac
3. Shiv Sanjay
4. Adhithya Smitha Raj
The chrome extension scans the current web page, analyzes the content using reputable online sources to fact-check and verify the authencity of the web page. The Discord-bot uses python script for backend and functions like a normal discord bot to output similar content to the extension. The Whatsapp bot accepts text inputs, and runs the message through the same backend of fact checking and provides an output.
Gemini API Manifest V3 JSON HTML CSS JavaScript Python Flask Ngrok Discord Twillio
- Git clone the repo
- Add API key in background.js file available at:
- Enable developer mode for extensions here: chrome://extensions/
- Click on Load unpacked, select the directory, extension will now be installed.
Click on the extension installed while on a news article web page.