Before setting up the configuration, make sure you follow the Lazy requirements
- Alpha.nvim: A fast and customizable dashboard that appears on startup.
- Catppuccin: A beautiful, pastel-themed color scheme for Neovim.
- Comment.nvim: Provides easy commenting functionality with support for multiple languages.
- Conform.nvim: A modern configuration for code formatting and linting.
- Lualine.nvim: A fast, customizable status line for Neovim.
- Nvim-autopairs: Automatically closes pairs of parentheses, brackets, quotes, and more.
- Nvim-tree.lua: A file explorer tree to help with easy navigation within your project.
- Nvim-treesitter: Syntax highlighting, code folding, and text object selection using Treesitter.
- Telescope.nvim: A highly extendable fuzzy finder for searching files, buffers, and more.
- Mason: Closes some gaps that exist between
. - Mason-lspconfig: Allows you to easily manage external editor tooling such as LSP servers and more.
- Nvim-cmp: A completion engine plugin for Neovim written in Lua.
- Nvim-lspconfig: Provides basic, default Nvim LSP client configurations for various LSP servers.