- I wanted to add some "pizazz" to the Tic Tac Toe project tasked to me on The Odin Project. And what better way to do it than to make something as complex as mixing Super Smash Bros and Tic Tac Toe 😂
- I needed to push myself to doing more than just the basics. Looking at documents on JS functions, looking at how Super Smash bros works, project tree structure, etc. All of this forced me to be uncomfortable in not knowing and comfortable in researching and asking questions.
It's okay to not know everything. Work in small steps, with a larger goal in mind that you're working towards. If I was to come back to make this, I would utilize state management frameworks and add some animations into it.
It's not the best project that I've made, but I'm really proud of myself what I made with the knowledge I had at the time.
Link to game: https://kevinkip.github.io/Tic-Tac-Toe/
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
- Website: kevinkip
- Twitter: @kipl33
- Github: @kevinkip
- LinkedIn: @callhimkev
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