Google Africa scholarship practice test.
And extra description.
1 About the App
2 General Preview
3 Technical
4 Work in Progress
5 Contributing
6 License
7 Versions
8 Contributers
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
## About the app
Google Africa scholarship practice test phase 2. Android application built with Kotlin to display a LeaderBoard on top learners and their skills.
## General Preview
Coming Soon
## Technical
- Internet
- Browse phone
You can:
a. clone the project and compile it yourself in android studio(Most up to date)
b. Run the already compiled version on the(the proect comes with an apk folderwith various apk versions),
c. You can check it out already compiled at Google Play(Mostly the one that is last to be published.)
Downoad it here: [Download App](
com.kevinmainaiurngu.GAADTEST # Root Package
├── data # For data handling.
│ ├── local # Local Persistence Database. Room (SQLite) database
| │ ├── dao # Data Access Object for Room
│ ├── remote # Remote Data Handlers
| │ ├── api # Retrofit API for remote end point.
│ └── repository # Single source of data.
├── model # Model classes
├── di # Dependency Injection
│ ├── builder # Activity Builder
│ ├── component # DI Components
│ └── module # DI Modules
├── ui # Activity/View layer
│ ├── base # Base View
│ ├── main # Main Screen Activity & ViewModel
| │ ├── adapter # Adapter for RecyclerView
| │ └── viewmodel # ViewHolder for RecyclerView
│ └── details # Detail Screen Activity and ViewModel
└── utils # Utility Classes / Kotlin extensions
This app uses MVVM (Model View View-Model) architecture.
1. Required to run project:
- To run this project use Android studio 3.* and later. It will be less messy. - Gradle version used: gradle 4.0. You can use multiple gradle versions vby having them stored offline. [You can read this to set it up.](www.sth)
2. Clone this repository :
`git clone`
**3. open Project in Android Studio
4. Build Project
5. Incase of an eror when building project, update your gradle version, Build Tools download
Picasso Glide Gson Timber RecyclerView Retrofit
- Multi-Activity
- View pager
- Customizing Toolbar
- RecyclerView
- Making Network Request
- Working with Google Form
- Api Requests
- push to store
I would/ We'd love to have your help in making {this app (replace with name of your project)} better. The project is still very incomplete, but if there's an issue you'd like to see addressed sooner rather than later, let me(/us) know.
Before you contribute though read the contributing guide here:
For any concerns, please open an issue, or JUST, fork the project and send a pull request.
- see LICENSE file
- Version 1.0 DATE 11/9/2020
For personal feedback or questions feel free to contact me via the mail address, which is mentioned on my [Github profile](link ( If you have found any bugs or want to post a feature request please use the bugtracker to report them.
- e-mail:
- Twitter: @maina_irungu_