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RestAPI Query Builder to build mongoose model query from api query string.

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This package will helps you to build a stright forward query object for mongoose query with all possible properties from API url query string i.e.

Query String Description
select Select fields from mongoose model
filter Model find query filter
with With populate the reference object
deep Deep populate the reference of inheritance object
skip Data skip value
limit Data limit
sort Sort order field name by asc desc value

Note: All these fields are optional in the url, by default our package will build an sample query object.


Using yarn:

yarn add api-query-builder

or by using npm:

npm install --save api-query-builder


const express = require('express');
const apiQueryBuilder = require('api-query-builder');

const app = express();


app.get('/', function(req, res) {

You can pass an default options also in the build middleware which will apply for all the request

  select: 'createdBy,createdAt,isActive',
  filter: {
    active: true,
    deleted: false,
  sort: {
    createdAt: "asc",


1. API url with query string

GET: api/users?select=firstName,email,_role&filter[active]=true&filter[createdAt][$gt]=2018-09-09&with[_role]=name,_department_&deep[_role._department]=name&skip=0&limit=10&sort[createdAt]=desc

2. Mongoose model with api response

  api.get('/user', async function(req, res) {
    const { filter, select, skip, limit, sort, populates, deepPopulates } = req.query;
    // query mongoose user model
    const users = await User.find(filter)

    // populate ref schema fields
    if (populates.length && users.length) {
      await Promise.all(Object.values(populates)
        .map(({ path, select }) => User.populate(users, { path, select })));

    // check for deep populate
    if (deepPopulates.length) {
      await Promise.all(Object.values(deepPopulates)
        .map(({ path, select, model }) => User.populate(users, { path, select, model })));

    return res.json(users);

4. Sample JSON response

    "firstName": "Shelton",
    "email": "",
    "_role": {
      "name": "Scientist", // the populated object for user
      "_department": {
        "name": "Physics" // the deep populated object from role of user

5. Call API with with no default values

For a specific API if dont want to set defualt values pass "dontUseDefault" param with "true" value in query string. This will never append the default values for that API.

GET: api/users?select=firstName,email,_role&filter[active]=true&dontUseDefault=true


yarn test


We welcome any contribution you make, please refer contributors guidelines to start contribute to this package, Thanks.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the versions on this repository.



This project is licensed under the GPL License - see our LICENSE file for details



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