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Clock and bit lengths for DCC

Scott James Remnant edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Whether we're using the PWM or PCM clock as a hardware timing source, we have to consider the appropriate bit rate and bit length for DCC.

Standard requirements

DCC uses a nominal transmission of 58µs high, followed by 58µs low, for a 1 bit; and a nominal transmission of 100µs high, followed by 100µs low, for a 0 bit. The only common factor of these numbers, probably deliberately, is 2.

While the tolerances for decoders accepting a signal are wider, the tolerances for a command station transmitting are also specified in the standard and are what we should confirm to.

For a 1 bit, the standard allows us to transmit for 55–61µs high, followed by a low of the same length within ±3µs. Fortunately for us, keeping the high and low within the same time is easier than diverging, so that's not something we have to worry about.

For a 0 bit, the standard requires us to transmit for at least 95µs high and low. The maximum length of transmission is long enough that it's uninteresting to us.

MASH options

Remmber in the discussion on using the PWM that the clock rate only uses the integer part of the divisor, and ignores the fractional part. This can be adjusted by using the MASH control bits of the register.

Setting to MASH-1 introduces the fractional part, which is given in the range 0–1,024. This allows us to achieve an average resulting clock rate much closer to our intent, though with the actual values spread. Continuing the above example, setting the fractional divisor to 204 (0.2 × 1024 = 204) we would achieve an average clock rate of our target of 1 MHz (19.2 Mhz ÷ 19.2 = 1 Mhz), but the actual values would be spread from 0.96–1.01 Mhz.

MASH-2 and MASH-3 introduce even more jitter, which is useful for eliminating sound distortion and clicks for audio, but not useful at all for our purposes.

The danger of this jitter is that it can apply in ways that we do not expect, and becomes cumulative when we use multiple GPIO bits per DCC bit. It seems better to be consistent in our values, even if they're not exactly the standard recommendation, than to jitter about and potentially exceed its parameters.

Bit rate

The use of integer divisors, on a relatively high frequency source compared to the DCC bit rate, means it's not actually possible to precisely align the bit rate. The following table shows the actual resulting bit rate for a given value in the register:

Bits per 1 µs per bit OSC DivI Osc µs per bit PLLD DivI PLLD µs per bit
1 58.000 1,113 57.969
2 29.000 556 57.917
3 19.333 371 57.969
4 14.500 278 57.917
5 11.600 222 57.813
6 9.667 185 57.813
7 8.286 159 57.969
8 7.250 139 57.917 3,625 58.000
9 6.444 123 57.656 3,222 57.996
10 5.800 111 57.813 2,900 58.000
11 5.273 101 57.865 2,636 57.992
12 4.833 92 57.500 2,416 57.984
13 4.462 85 57.552 2,230 57.980
14 4.143 79 57.604 2,071 57.988
15 3.867 74 57.813 1,933 57.990
16 3.625 69 57.500 1,812 57.984
17 3.412 65 57.552 1,705 57.970
18 3.222 61 57.188 1,611 57.996
19 3.053 58 57.396 1,526 57.988
20 2.900 55 57.292 1,450 58.000
21 2.762 53 57.969 1,380 57.960
22 2.636 50 57.292 1,318 57.992
23 2.522 48 57.500 1,260 57.960
24 2.417 46 57.500 1,208 57.984
25 2.320 44 57.292 1,160 58.000
26 2.231 42 56.875 1,115 57.980
27 2.148 41 57.656 1,074 57.996
28 2.071 39 56.875 1,035 57.960
29 2.000 38 57.396 1,000 58.000

Notice that since the maximum divisor is 4,095, it's not possible to use the PLLD source for all potential bit rates; but that the higher resolution available from it more closely matches the intended bit rate.

For the oscillator source, the lower resolution means it's possible to be off by amounts that come close to the tolerances of the specification.

Bit length

A simplistic approach would be to set the clock such that one GPIO bit equals as close to 58µs as we can, using the sequence 10 for a DCC 1 bit and 1100 for a DCC 0 bit. This conforms to the specification, however does mean that our 0 bits are slightly longer than necessary, 116µs, which decreases the amount of DCC bandwidth available and increases the latency of getting commands to the locomotives.

By increasing the clock rate, and using more memory of the controlling computer, we can compromise between the two until a happy medium is reached. The table below presents the options:

Bits per 1 Bits per 0 Osc µs for 1 Osc µs for 0 PLLD µs for 1 PLLD µs for 0
1 2 57.969 115.938
2 4 57.917 115.833
3 6 57.969 115.938
4 7 57.917 101.354
5 9 57.813 104.063
6 11 57.813 105.990
7 13 57.969 107.656
8 14 57.917 101.354 58.000 101.500
9 16 57.656 102.500 57.996 103.104
10 18 57.813 104.063 58.000 104.400
11 19 57.865 99.948 57.992 100.168
12 21 57.500 100.625 57.984 101.472
13 23 57.552 101.823 57.980 102.580
14 25 57.604 102.865 57.988 103.550
15 26 57.813 100.208 57.990 100.516
16 28 57.500 100.625 57.984 101.472
17 30 57.552 101.563 57.970 102.300
18 32 57.188 101.667 57.996 103.104
19 33 57.396 99.688 57.988 100.716
20 35 57.292 100.260 58.000 101.500
21 37 57.969 102.135 57.960 102.120
22 38 57.292 98.958 57.992 100.168
23 40 57.500 100.000 57.960 100.800
24 42 57.500 100.625 57.984 101.472
25 44 57.292 100.833 58.000 102.080
26 45 56.875 98.438 57.980 100.350
27 47 57.656 100.365 57.996 100.956
28 49 56.875 99.531 57.960 101.430
29 50 57.396 98.958 58.000 100.000

Obviously the worst conformance is achieved by the most frugal use of memory, and the low resolution oscillator source, where as noted transmitting a 0 will take almost 32µs longer than required by the standard.

The best confirmance, again unsurpisingly, is achieved by using the most memory, and the high resolution PLLD source, where we can exactly match the recommendation of the standard; while requiring 29x the amount of memory as the worst conformance example.

A standout compromise appears surprisingly early, by using 4 GPIO bits for a 1, and 7 for a 0, and the low resolution oscillator source (which is the only option at this bit rate), we lose less than 3µs per 0 transmitted; a 10x improvement in latency with only a 4x increase in memory requirements.

At the same time, the transmission time of a 1 is only 83 nanoseconds under the recommendation of the specification, and well within the requirements.

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