Created in Feb 2020. Wrote on PCIbex (
A self-paced reading task interleaving with the Stroop task. English Interleaved Stroop and SPR tasks that were modified and combined from Hsu & Novick (2016) and Fine & Jaeger (2016)
Experimental design:
2 previous-trial congruency (congruent Stroop vs. incongruent Stroop) x 2 current-trial ambiguity (ambiguous sentence vs. unambiguous sentence).
(CA): Congruent Stroop to ambiguous sentence
(IU): Incongruent Stroop to unambiguous sentence
(IA): Incongruent Stroop to ambiguous sentence
(CU): Congruent Stroop to unambiguous sentence
(CA): blue (in blue ink) — Some rescue workers advised about the avalanche decided to stand by.
(IU): Red (in blue ink) — Some rescue workers who were advised about the avalanche decided to stand by.
(IA): Red (in blue ink) — Some rescue workers advised about the avalanche decided to stand by.
(CU): Blue (in blue ink) — Some rescue workers who were advised about the avalanche decided to stand by.
The experiment was eventually done in Gorilla. The study was presented in the 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.
Kuz, V., Chen, K., Veall, C., & Santi, A. (2021, March 4-6). Cognitive Control and Ambiguity Resolution: Beyond Conflict Resolution. The 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (