This includes installation, running, and design documentation for the IBM Attestation Client Server.
The IMA event log format is documented at with the document source at
Table of Contents
- Installation
- RHEL, Centos and recent Fedora
- RHEL attestation server
- Centos and Recent Fedora Attestation Server
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Attestation Server
- Database Schema at Attestation Server
- Build Libraries and Applications
- Provision the Server EK Certificate CA Signing Keys
- SW TPM Key Provisioning
- Server Key Provisioning
- Running the Server
- Running a Client
- Web UI
- Code Structure
- Database
- Network Messages
Some steps are only for the client (attesting program), some only for the server (verifier). If not noted, the steps are for both the client and server. and some are for both.
The distros can't seem to decide whether the json include directory is /usr/include/json or /usr/include/json-c.
This uses /usr/include/json. If your distro uses json-c, just make a soft link:
# cd /usr/include
# ln -s json-c json
Install these packages.
- openssl
- openssl-devel (tested with 1.0.x, not tested with 1.1.x)
- json-c
- json-c-devel
Install these packages.
- mysql
- mysql-devel
- php
- php-devel
- php-mysql or php-mysqlnd
# service mysqld start
# service httpd start
Install these packages.
- mariadb
- mariadb-server
# systemctl start mariadb.service
# systemctl enable mariadb.service
Install these packages. The names may vary with the distro version.
- libjson-c3 or libjson-c4
- libjson-c-dev
Install these packages.
- apache2
- mariadb-server
- libmysqlclient-dev
- php
- php5-dev
- php-mysql
Install the Database Schema at the attestation server
As root
# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
# mysql
mysql> create database tpm2;
mysql> grant all privileges on tpm2.* to ''@'localhost';
For the error "Can't find any matching row in the user table"
mysql> grant all privileges on tpm2.* to ''@'localhost' identified by '';
As non-root
> mysql -D tpm2 < dbinit.sql
The makefiles and these instructions assume that the TSS is built in ../utils. If not, adjust accordingly. When the TSS is installed in /usr/lib as part of a distribution, this becomes unnecessary.
If using a SW TPM, The SW TPM is [here] (
> cd .../tpm2/src
> make
Create the TSS and utilities. create
The TSS is [here] (
- For a TPM 2.0 TSS
> cd .../tpm2/utils
> make -f makefiletpm20
- For a combined TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 TSS
> cd .../tpm2/utils
> make -f makefiletpmc
> cd .../tpm2/utils12
> make -f makefiletpmc
If the TSS is not installed, the ACS programs must point to the TSS library [path]. When the TSS is installed in /usr/lib as part of a distribution, this step becomes unnecessary.
- csh variants
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH [path]/tpm2/utils:[path]/tpm2/utils12
- bash variants
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[path]/tpm2/utils:[path]/tpm2/utils12
# mkdir /var/www/html/acs
# chown user /var/www/html/acs
# chgrp user /var/www/html/acs
# chmod 777 /var/www/html/acs
> cd .../tpm2/acs
- For TPM 2.0 client and server
> make
- For TPM 1.2 client (requires TPM 1.2 / TPM 2.0 server)
> make -f makefiletpm12
For TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 client and TPM 1.2 / TPM 2.0 server
- For TPM 2.0 and 1.2 client and server
> make -f makefiletpmc
- Path
These notes are not required once the TSS is installed in the system area through a package manager.
The makefile assumes that the TSS include and library directories are in ../utils. If not, specify that [path].
> setenv CPATH [path-to]/tpm2/utils
> setenv LIBRARY_PATH [path-to]/tpm2/utils
For TPM 1.2
> setenv CPATH [path-to]/tpm2/utils:[path-to]/tpm2/utils12
> setenv LIBRARY_PATH [path-to]/tpm2/utils:[path-to]/tpm2/utils12
This optional step is only required if changing the endorsement key CA signing key cakey.pem / cacert.pem included in the package.
This is done once per software install.
This is only required when using a SW TPM.
- Create an RSA EK certificate server CA signing key
> cd .../tpm2/acs
> openssl genrsa -out cakey.pem -aes256 -passout pass:rrrr 2048
- Create a self signed EK root CA certificate
> openssl req -new -x509 -key cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US
State or Province Name (full name) []:NY
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Yorktown
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:IBM
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:EK CA
Email Address []:
- View the certificate for correctness.
> openssl x509 -text -in cacert.pem -noout
Issuer and subject should match. Validity 20 years. Etc.
- Install the cacert.pem in the directory where the HW TPM root certificates are. Currently, that's .../tpm2/utils/certificates.
The HW TPM vendor root certificates should already be there.
- Provision the ECC EK Certificate CA Signing Key
This optional step is only required if changing the endorsement key CA signing key cakeyecc.pem / cacertecc.pem included in the package.
This optional step requires at least openssl 1.0.2. 1.0.1 will not work.
> openssl genpkey -out cakeyecc.pem -outform PEM -pass pass:rrrr -aes256 -algorithm ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve
- Create a self signed EK root CA certificate
> openssl req -new -x509 -key cakeyecc.pem -out cacertecc.pem -days 3650
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US
State or Province Name (full name) []:NY
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Yorktown
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:IBM
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:EK EC CA
Email Address []:
- View the certificate for correctness.
openssl x509 -text -in cacertecc.pem -noout
Issuer and subject should match. Validity 20 years. Etc.
- Install the cacertecc.pem in the directory where the HW TPM root certificates are. Currently, that's .../tpm2/utils/certificates.
This is only required for a SW TPM. HW TPMs come with EK certificates.
This is only required once per TPM. It is installed in SW TPM non-volatile memory.
The TPM 1.2 steps may be skipped for SW TPM 2.0 only Provisioning
- TPM 2.0 Environment
The TSS will normally default to these.
setenv TPM_COMMAND_PORT 2321
setenv TPM_SERVER_TYPE mssim
- Start the SW TPM 2.0
.../tpm2/src> tpm_server
.../tpm2/utils> powerup;startup
- Provision the SW TPM 2.0 with EK certificates
RSA public key and CA key
.../tpm2/utils> createekcert -rsa 2048 -cakey cakey.pem -capwd rrrr -v
ECC public key and CA key
.../tpm2/utils> createekcert -ecc nistp256 -cakey cakeyecc.pem -capwd rrrr -caalg ec -v
CAUTION The EK and certificate will normally persist. However, running the TSS regression test rolls the EPS (endorsement hierarchy primary seed), voiding everything. You can reprovision and re-enroll, but it's easier to make a copy of the SW TPM NV space now, and restore it as necessary.
> cd .../tpm2/src
> cp NVChip
- TPM 1.2 environment
setenv TPM_COMMAND_PORT 6543
setenv TPM_SERVER_TYPE rawsingle
- Start the SW TPM 1.2
Remove the 00.permall state file, so that an EK certificate index can be defined with the D bit set
.../tpm/src> tpm_server >! tpm.log
- Startup, Create TPM 1.2 EK, create an SRK, use the default all zeros SRK password
.../utils12> tpminit; startup
.../utils12> createendorsementkeypair
.../utils12> oiap
.../utils12> takeownership -pwdo ooo -se0 [handle from OIAP] 0
2 - Provision the SW TPM 1.2 with EK certificates. Does the following
- starts an OSAP session and uses it to define the EK certificate NV index
- secures the NV space
- reads the EK public key
- creates and provisions the EK certificate
- reads the certificate back for testing
All in the .../utils12 directory
$OSAP is the handle from the OSAP command $OIAP is the handle from the OIAP command
> osap -ha 40000001 -pwd ooo
> nvdefinespace -ha 1000f000 -sz 1400 -per 20002 -se0 $OSAP 0
> nvdefinespace -ha ffffffff -sz 0
> oiap
> ownerreadinternalpub -ha ek -pwdo ooo -op ekpub.bin -se0 $OIAP 0
> createekcert -pwdo ooo -iek ekpub.bin -of ekcert.der -cakey ../utils/cakey.pem -capwd rrrr
> oiap
> nvreadvalue -ha 1000f000 -pwdo ooo -cert -se0 $OIAP 0
This is only required if changing privacy CA signing key pcakey.pem / pcacert.pem included in the package.
- Create a privacy CA signing key
> cd .../tpm2/acs
> openssl genrsa -out pcakey.pem -aes256 -passout pass:rrrr 2048
- Create a self signed privacy CA certificate
> openssl req -new -x509 -key pcakey.pem -out pcacert.pem -days 3560
Use AK CA as the common name
- View the certificate for correctness.
> openssl x509 -text -in pcacert.pem -noout
The server uses a TPM as a crypto coprocessor. It must point to a different (typically a software) TPM and TSS data directory.
If the server is being run on the same machine as the client:
> cd .../tpm2/acs
for example
> export TPM_DATA_DIR=/gsa/yktgsa/home/k/g/kgold/tpm2
> setenv TPM_DATA_DIR /gsa/yktgsa/home/k/g/kgold/tpm2
- Start the SW TPM service
> .../tpm2/src/tpm_server
> .../tpm2/utils/powerup
> .../tpm2/utils/startup
- Edit the file .../tpm2/utils/certificates/rootcerts.txt
Change the path name to wherever the directory is installed.
- Set the server port
setenv ACS_PORT 2323
- Optional: Set the mysql userid/password
The mysql instructions above don't set a DB host and port, userid and password, or database name. However if you have one set in your configuration you can set it using these environment variables.
ACS_SQL_HOST - defaults to localhost
ACS_SQL_PORT - defaults to 0, MySQL will use its default
ACS_SQL_USERID - defaults to current user
ACS_SQL_PASSWORD - defaults to empty
ACS_SQL_DATABASE - defaults to tpm2
- Start the attestation server
> server -v -root ../utils/certificates/rootcerts.txt -imacert imakey.der >! serverenroll.log4j
-v and piping to a file are optional.
Set the TSS environment variables (e.g. TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE) if a client HW TPM is being used. See the TSS docs.
Optionally, set ACS_DIR to an existing directory where the ACS clients store the AK private and public keys.
NOTE: With a hardware TPM, this can take several minutes, and appear to hang. Creating a primary key on a hardware TPM is a long calculation.
This installs the client attestation key certificate at the attestation server.
- TPM 2.0
> clientenroll -alg rsa -v -ho -co akcert.pem >! clientenroll.log4j
- or a different machine with ECC
> clientenroll -alg ec -v -ho -ma -co akeccert.pem >! clientenroll.log4j
where -ho is the hostname of the server, and is optional for localhost.
-v and piping to a file are optional.
- TPM 1.2
> clientenroll12 -pwdo ooo -co akcert12.pem -v
- One time per client reboot
If the client does not have an event log, and the PCRs are uninitialized, extend the test event log into the TPM PCRs. If the firmware has already extended the PCRs, the event log will not match. Simimarly, extend a test IMA event log.
tpm2bios.log is a sample event log. imasig.log is a sample IMA log.
> .../utils/eventextend -if tpm2bios.log -tpm -v >! b.log4j
> .../utils/imaextend -if imasig.log -le -v > ! i.log4j
tpmbios.log is a sample event log. imasig.log is a sample IMA log.
> .../utils12//eventextend -if tpmbios.log -tpm
> .../utils12/imaextend -if imasig.log -le
- As often as desired, run an attestation.
> client -alg rsa -ifb tpm2bios.log -ifi imasig.log -ho -v >! client.log4j
> client -alg ec -ifb tpm2bios.log -ifi imasig.log -ho -v -ma >! client.log4j
where -ho is the hostname of the server, and is optional for localhost.
> client12 -ifb tpmbios.log -ifi imasig.log -v
The demo web UI is at http://hostname/acs where hostname is the web server is running.
The intent of the UI is to demo the internals of the TCG attestation technology. It is not what a datacenter cloud administrator would see.
There are pages to
- view the enrolled machines and their certificates
- view reports
- view BIOS / UEFI pre-OS event logs
- view IMA post-OS event logs
The client side is separated into the main client and clientenroll executables and a clientlocal set of utilities.
The structure permits the client and clientenroll functions to be run in a different space (perhaps a VM) than the (clientlocal) space that has the TPM. An interface would have to be provided to pass the function parameters through.
For a client with a minimal local client environment, build a separate minimal TSS.
> cd .../utils
To run with a HW TPM on a platform with no socket library, add to CCFLAGS -DTPM_NOSOCKET
create the minimal TSS for the ACS first, then the full TSS for the utilities
> make -f makefile.min clean all
> make clean all
build the ACS against the minimal TSS
> cd .../acs
Build the server and the test code against the full TSS
> make clean server
Build the client code against the minimal TSS
> make -f makefile.min clean all
To erase a host completely for testing
For example:
delete from machines where hostname = '';
delete from attestlog where hostname = '';
delete from imalog where hostname = '';
delete from machines where hostname = '';
delete from attestlog where hostname = '';
delete from imalog where hostname = '';
This design retains all enrollment and attestation at the attestation server database to permit post-incident forensics. It decouples the attestation and the UI display.
machines - all machines
id - primary key for machine
hostname - typically the fully qualified domain name, untrusted
tpmvendor - TPM manufacturer name, untrusted
challenge - server to client enrollment challenge
ekcertificatepem - endorsement key certificate, pem format
ekcertificatetext - endorsement certificate, dump
attestpub - attestation public key
akcertificatepem - attestation key certificate, pem format
akcertificatetext - attestation certificate, dump
enrolled - date of attestation key enrollment
boottime - last boot time, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
imaevents - next IMA event to be processed
set to zero on enrollment
set back to zero on first quote or reboot
imapcr - value corresponding to imaevents, used for incremental update
pcr00-pcr23 - white list, values from first valid quote
attestlog - all attestations for all machines
id - primary key for attestation
userid - userid of attestation, untrusted
whatever the client provides
hostname - typically the fully qualified domain name, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
boottime - last boot time, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
timestamp - date of attestation
nonce - freshness nonce
pcrselect - which PCRs are selected, currently hard coded to 0-23
quote - quote data in json, for debug and forensics
pcr00-pcr23 - current value from quote
pcrschanged - boolean flag, pcrs changed from last attestation
quoteverified - boolean flag, signature over quote data is valid
logverified - boolean flag, PCR digest from event logs matches quote
imaver - boolean flag, PCR digest from event logs matches quote
logentries - number of entries in BIOS event log
imaevents - number of entries in IMA event log
pcrinvalid - boolean flag, pcrs different from white list
badimalog - boolean flag, obsolete
imalog - current IMA event log for all machines
id - primary key for attestation
hostname - typically the fully qualified domain name, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
boottime - last boot time, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
timestamp - server time of attestation
entrynum - ima event number
ima_entry - the raw ima event as hex ascii
filename - ima event file name
badevent - if the template data hash did not verify, or the template data could not be
nosig - if the template data lacked a signature
nokey - if the key referenced by the template data is unknown
badsig - if the BIOS entry signature did not verify
bioslog - current BIOS event log for all machines
id - primary key for attestation
hostname - typically the fully qualified domain name, untrusted,
whatever the client provides
timestamp - server time of attestation
entrynum - bios event number
bios_entry - the raw bios event as hex ascii
eventtype - TCG_PCR_EVENT2.eventType as ascii
event - TCG_PCR_EVENT2.event as ascii
At enroll
machines insert
akcertificatepem null, then certificate
akcertificatetext null, then certificate
imaevents null, then 0
enrolled null, then time
pcrnn null
imapcr null
At nonce
machines update
imaevents 0
imapcr 0000...
attestlog insert
new boot:
pcrnn = 0000...
pcrnn = previous pcrnn
At quote
machines update
if quoteverified
if logverified
if storePcrWhiteList (first time)
imaevents 0
imapcr 00...00
atestlog update
if quoteverified
if logverified
if !storePcrWhiteList (not first time)
if quoteverified and logverified
(for each event)
if quoteverified and logverified
(for each event)
Below are example messages.
Messages are a push (client to server) rather than a pull (server to client) for several reasons:
- Client machines are likely to be behind a restricted firewall, blocking incoming messages
- Client machines must be secured, and listening on an Internet port is an attack point
- Client machines may be powered down and should not be woken for an attestation
- Embedded devices may be resource constrained or performing critical tasks, and should not be interrupted for attestation.
"tpmvendor":"IBM ",
"akcert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICQjCCASq...-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"boottime":"2016-12-07 21:51:55"
The 0's indicate a new boot cycle, so the server requests full logs.
eventn are pre-OS (BIOS, UEFI) events. imaeventn are post-OS (IMA) events.
The design implements incremental attesation to greatly improve performance.
The server has detected the same boot cycle. The -1 indicates that the pre-OS event log need not be sent. The 11 indicates that IMA events starting with 11 should be sent.
In this case, the client has no new IMA events to send.