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sc68cal edited this page Feb 21, 2012 · 2 revisions


Checkins path of commits from last found TFS-commit to HEAD with comments provided for corresponding git commits. Preserves merge commits.


Special actions in commit messages can be inserted, to associate or resolve TFS work items.


Usage: git-tfs rcheckin [options]
where options are:

    -i, --tfs-remote, --id, --remote
        (Type: Value required, Value Type:[String])
        An optional remote ID, useful if this repository will track multiple TFS repositories.

    -d, --debug
        (Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])
        Show lots of output.

    -h, -H, --help
        (Type: Flag, Value Type:[Boolean])



Suppose you have

A [tfs/default, C1] <- B <- C [master, HEAD]

After executing git tfs rcheckin you would have

A [C1] <- B [C2] <- C [master, HEAD, tfs/default, C3]

Comments to B and C in TFS are preserved (same as in git excluding git-tfs-id markings).

Merge preserving

Suppose you have

A [tfs/default, C1] <- B <- C <- D <- E [master, HEAD]
 \                              /
   M <------------------------ N

So that M and N were commits on some branch and C is first parent of D which is merge-commit. After executing git tfs rcheckin you would have

A [C1] <- B [C2] <- C [C3] <- D [C4] <- E [tfs/default, master, HEAD, C5]
 \                           /
   M <--------------------- N

Comments on B, C and E are preserved. Comment on D will have following structure:

Comment from D
  Comment from M
  Comment from N

TFS can't see M and N, so in order to preserve commit messages in its history rcheckin formats messages in this way.


Internally rcheckin takes from rev-list --ancestry-path --first-parent tfs/default..HEAD commit which is the closest derivative of tfs/default, checkins it to TFS, fetches newly checkined commit back and rebases HEAD's tail onto it. Then it repeats this process until no more commits in the ancestry-path. So, technically speaking you'll have new line of commits with same changes. It is important to know if you have some work based on some of commits being rcheckin-ed.

Known problems

Suppose you have situation similar to described in 'Merge preserving' section earlier but branching takes place from one of commits being rcheckin-ed, for example from B:

A [tfs/default, C1] <- B <- C <- D <- E [master, HEAD]
                        \       /
                         M <-- N

Due to nature of rebase and workflow described in 'Internals' section after B will be checked in to TFS we got back new commit, say B'. And B' is not parent of M. So, when rcheckin will finish you'll have

A [C1] <- B' [C2] <- C' [C3] <- D' [C4] <- E [tfs/default, master, HEAD, C5]
 \                             /
   B <---------- M <--------- N

Thus, commit B will stay in history as parent of M and equivalent commit B' will be fetched from TFS. It is confusing and hopefully will be fixed someday.

See also

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