The simple shell is a custom shell with unique features. It as exact same output as sh (/bin/sh)
as well as the exact same error output.
Supports a list of allowed functions and system calls:
- access (man 2 access)
- chdir (man 2 chdir)
- close (man 2 close)
- closedir (man 3 closedir)
- execve (man 2 execve)
- exit (man 3 exit)
- _exit (man 2 exit)
- fflush (man 3 fflush)
- fork (man 2 fork)
- free (man 3 free)
- getcwd (man 3 getcwd)
- getline (man 3 getline)
- getpid (man 2 getpid)
- isatty (man 3 isatty)
- kill (man 2 kill)
- malloc (man 3 malloc)
- open (man 2 open)
- opendir (man 3 opendir)
- perror (man 3 perror)
- read (man 2 read)
- readdir (man 3 readdir)
- signal (man 2 signal)
- stat (xstat) (man 2 stat)
- lstat (lxstat) (man 2 lstat)
- fstat (fxstat) (man 2 fstat)
- strtok (man 3 strtok)
- wait (man 2 wait)
- waitpid (man 2 waitpid)
- wait3 (man 2 wait3)
- wait4 (man 2 wait4)
- write (man 2 write)
Supports both interactive mode and non-interactive mode.
Your shell should work like this in interactive mode:
$ ./hsh
($) /bin/ls
hsh main.c shell.c
($) exit
And this way in non-interactive mode:
$ echo "/bin/ls" | ./hsh
hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2
$ cat test_ls_2
$ cat test_ls_2 | ./hsh
hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2
hsh main.c shell.c test_ls_2
It hhas the exact same output as sh (/bin/sh)
as well as the exact same error output. The only difference is when you print an error, the name of the program must be equivalent to your argv[0]
(See example below)
Example of error with sh
$ echo "qwerty" | /bin/sh
/bin/sh: 1: qwerty: not found
$ echo "qwerty" | /bin/../bin/sh
/bin/../bin/sh: 1: qwerty: not found
Same error with the hsh
$ echo "qwerty" | ./hsh
./hsh: 1: qwerty: not found
$ echo "qwerty" | ./././hsh
./././hsh: 1: qwerty: not found
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the directory
cd simple_shell
- Compile the files using a C compiler to build the shell executable:
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh
Execute the generated hsh
binary to start the shell.
- To execute in interactive mode:
- To execute in non-interactive mode:
echo "command" | ./hsh
- Pass in commands as you would in the
- Khairat Adesina
- Joshua Oseghale