In this project, you will apply the skills you have acquired in this course to operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API.
You are given a pre-trained, sklearn
model that has been trained to predict housing prices in Boston according to several features, such as average rooms in a home and data about highway access, teacher-to-pupil ratios, and so on. You can read more about the data, which was initially taken from Kaggle, on the data source site. This project tests your ability to operationalize a Python flask app—in a provided file,
—that serves out predictions (inference) about housing prices through API calls. This project could be extended to any pre-trained machine learning model, such as those for image recognition and data labeling.
Your project goal is to operationalize this working, machine learning microservice using kubernetes, which is an open-source system for automating the management of containerized applications. In this project you will:
- Test your project code using linting
- Complete a Dockerfile to containerize this application
- Deploy your containerized application using Docker and make a prediction
- Improve the log statements in the source code for this application
- Configure Kubernetes and create a Kubernetes cluster
- Deploy a container using Kubernetes and make a prediction
- Upload a complete Github repo with CircleCI to indicate that your code has been tested
You can find a detailed project rubric, here.
The final implementation of the project will showcase your abilities to operationalize production microservices. | Python flask that serves out predictions (inference) about housing prices through API calls |
Makefile | Set of instructions that you use to setup environment: setup, install, tests and lints ... |
Dockerfile | Contains the commands used to create a docker image | | Run and build a docker image locally | | Tag and upload docker image to docker hub | | Setup and run app on kubernetes | | Sending input data to the containerized application via the appropriate port and and receive the predictions |
- Create a virtualenv with Python 3.7 and activate it. Refer to this link for help on specifying the Python version in the virtualenv.
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
# You should have Python 3.7 available in your host.
# Check the Python path using `which python3`
# Use a command similar to this one:
python3 -m virtualenv --python=<path-to-Python3.7> .devops
source .devops/bin/activate
- Run
make install
to install the necessary dependencies
- Standalone:
- Run in Docker:
- Run in Kubernetes:
Setup and Configure Docker locally
Setup and Configure Kubernetes locally
Create Flask app in Container
Run via kubectl
To start a local cluster:
minikube start
To deploy this application in kubernetes:
When the pod is up and running, make predictions using:
Delete the cluster after your done:
minikube delete