- This is Farhan Hai Khan. I work on Machine Learning Projects, and am interested in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. I also build repositories with automation/competititive coding/utility problems solved over different domains using Python.
- I am a 3rd year undergraduate under the department of Electrical Engineering in Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata.
- I am also developing my personaized Github Pages Jekyll Website : khanfarhan10.github.io
Languages and Tools:
🔭 I’m currently working on projects related to Software Automation, Computer Vision & Deep Learning.
🌱 I’m currently learning how to deploy Software Projects using Flask/Flutter and their custom implementation in the development of Web/Mobile Applications.I have engaged myself in projects in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. You can find my work in these repos. You can also get to know me.
👯 I’m looking forward to collaborate on projects for better software and contributing towards Open Source.
💬 Ask me about Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Colab, Neural Networks, OOPS and Data Structures.
😄 Pronouns: He/His
⚡ Fun fact: I feel my repositories are the only trustworthy place to commit. You getting it? 😂