This is a fork of QEMU-3dfx for Arch Linux or any OS with pacman command and tries to add more documentation. (and binaries)
For more info. Refer to the original repo.
bin/disks - Floppy Disks to make installation better
qemu-0/hw/3dfx - Overlay for QEMU source tree to add 3Dfx Glide pass-through device model
qemu-1/hw/mesa - Overlay for QEMU source tree to add MESA GL pass-through device model
qemu-exp - Experimental Folders and deprecated files
MINGW-packages - PKGBUILD Script for building the packages (Windows)
packages - PKGBUILD Script for building the packages (Arch Linux)
scripts/sign_commit - Script for stamping commit id
virgl3d - VirGL with SDL2 EGL/OpenGL patches
wrappers/3dfx - Glide wrappers for supported guest OS/environment (DOS/Windows/DJGPP/Linux)
wrappers/mesa - MESA GL wrapper for supported guest OS/environment (Windows)
This repository includes patches from upstream and my patches that work on latest version.
My patches
00-qemu92x-mesa-glide.kht.patch - Patch for QEMU version 9.2.x (MESA & Glide) (deprecated)
01-qemu91x-mesa-glide.patch - Patch for QEMU version 9.1.x (MESA & Glide)
KJ Liew's patches
00-qemu92x-mesa-glide.patch - Patch for QEMU version 9.2.x (MESA & Glide)
01-qemu82x-mesa-glide.patch - Patch for QEMU version 8.2.x (MESA & Glide)
02-qemu72x-mesa-glide.patch - Patch for QEMU version 7.2.x (MESA & Glide)
Witness, experience and share your thoughts on modern CPU/GPU prowess for retro Windows games on Apple Silicon macOS, Windows 10/11 and modern Linux. Most games can be installed and played in pristine condition without the hassle of hunting down unofficial, fan-made patches to play them on Windows 10/later or modern Linux/Wine. And now it's updated for rolling release and added some tools and libraries i copied on the internet to make the experience better (as long i have free time).
- Original repository (
- YouTube channel (
- VOGONS forums (
- Wiki (
- Repository's Wiki (
Download Stable Build Here
Includes released Standalone Windows Binaries,Wrappers,Addons and old PKGBUILD files
Download Github Actions Build Here
Includes latest commit Windows Binaries and Wrappers (requires a Github Account)
There are two ways to build this repo. While this is repo is used for Arch Linux, It can also build on other OS like Windows 10 with MSYS2 too.
Convenience Way
This way is simple. Just download the PKGBUILD from GitHub. (Arch-Based distributions)
$ mkdir ~/myqemu && cd ~/myqemu
$ git clone
$ cd qemu-3dfx/packages/qemu-3dfx
$ makepkg -si
- This scripts builds it for you to install into your system.
- Chroot is recommended! for more details, Go to
Traditional Way
This way is basically the same, But less tedious and compiles only the essentials and installs to a folder making it much faster. (Any operating systems)
Simple guide to apply the patch:
(using 00-qemu92x-mesa-glide.patch
$ mkdir ~/myqemu && cd ~/myqemu
$ git clone
$ cd qemu-3dfx
$ wget
$ tar xf qemu-9.2.2.tar.xz
$ cd qemu-9.2.2
$ rsync -r ../qemu-0/hw/3dfx ../qemu-1/hw/mesa ./hw/
$ patch -p0 -i ../00-qemu92x-mesa-glide.patch
$ bash ../scripts/sign_commit
$ mkdir ../build && cd ../build
$ ../qemu-9.2.2/configure --target-list=i386-softmmu --prefix=$(pwd)/../install_dir
$ make install
- This guide makes and installs binaries to install_dir
- You can also patch any versions in 9.2.x
- My patch is deprecated for the time being, do not use it.
- All patch hunks must be successful in order for the binary to run properly or you may have BSOD when running Windows 98 for the first time and not work as intended.
- This steps may be subject to change as there may be errors when compiling. refer to cflag.txt and add it to configure.
VirGL with SDL2 OpenGL Support
This way adds VirGL patches for the binary (Windows and MacOS)
- Recommended for 8.2.x or 7.2.x only?
- If you compile the binary using patched VirGL package without patching it first will have an error. (reference)
Refer to Wrapper Readme for more info.
For Win9x/ME:
- Copy
- Copy
- Copy
- Copy
toGame Installation
For Win2k/XP:
- Copy
- Copy
- Run
, require Administrator Priviledge - Copy
toGame Installation
- KJ Liew - For making QEMU-3dfx
- JHRobotics - For making ICD support
- cyanea-bt - For script reference used for