Numberic Sequence Calculator
[Specification Here](Wng Coding Task.pdf)
The solution is implemented as a standalone Single Page Application (SPA) The app is built around Javascript AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3. With the use of nodejs-powered frontend tools such as grunt, bower, yeoman generators
Hosted Demo:
You will require nodejs (~v0.12) and npm (~2.12) and run the following commands in console:
npm install
bower install
Run the below command and extra the files from "dist" folder
grunt build
grunt serve
grunt test
1. Start the Selenium server:
./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start
2. Open a new terminal and Run the application (see above)
3. Open a new terminal and run Protractor:
./node_modules/.bin/protractor protractor.conf.js