A simple app to fetch calorie details for food, built using Kotlin Multiplatform and a modularized architecture
To run the app from Android Studio on your local machine you'll need to add api_key value in your local.properties file
The API key can be generated from this link.
The app has been built using a modularized layered architecture. The app has the following modules:
- composeApp - entry point to applications, contains navigation and overral di logic
- details - feature module to handle logic related to a single calorie food details i.e has a viewmodel and composambles
- calorees - feature module to handle logic related to searched list of calorie food i.e has a viewmodel and composambles
- designsystem - shared lib which contains shared components between the feature modules
- data - shared lib which contains the implementation of selecting data between
modules. - local - shared lib which contains logic for saving data to local device storage
- network - shared lib which contains logic for fetching data from network
- build-logic - not an application module but rather a configuration module for setting reausable configs across the app
init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {"primaryTextColor":"#fff","primaryColor":"#5a4f7c","primaryBorderColor":"#5a4f7c","lineColor":"#f5a623","tertiaryColor":"#40375c","fontSize":"12px"}
graph LR
subgraph :core
subgraph :feature
:feature:calorees --> :core:data
:feature:calorees --> :core:designsystem
:composeApp --> :feature:calorees
:composeApp --> :feature:details
:core:data --> :core:network
:core:data --> :core:local
:feature:details --> :core:data
:feature:details --> :core:designsystem
Empty | List | Details |
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![]() |
![]() |
- Kotlin - programming language
- Kotlin Multiplatform - Multiplaform framework
- Compose Multiplatform - Declarative framework for sharing UIs across multiple platforms. Based on Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
- Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform.
- Ktor Client - networking client framework
- KotlinX Serialization - Serialization/Desirialization of JSON response from network.
- KtLint - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
- Room - persistence library providing an abstraction layer over SQLite
- Github Actions - to run tests, run lint checks and assemble apk. The deployment workflows are WIP.
- UI tests - I was not able to run tests for compose, the current impl is done following the androidTests structure. I however came across writing and running compose multiplaform tests and currently looking into it.
- UI/UX - improve the design of the app.
- Finish iOs implementation - I mostly focused on android app and didn't test the iOs app.