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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

List of contributors

  • Kilian Gebhardt
  • Markus Teichmann
  • Johann Seltmann
  • Sebastian Mielke
  • Kevin Mitlöhner
  • Mark-Jan Nederhof (this is an extension of his software)


Panda parser was developed in the context of research on hybrid grammars and grammar-based approaches to natural language processing in general. It is a parsing architecture (especially) for non-projective and discontinuous structures powered by universal algebra. Moreover, pandas are said to live in (parse) trees ;-).

Currently implemented grammar types:

  • hybrid grammars coupling linear context-free rewriting systems (LCFRS) and (simple) definite clause programs ((s)DCP)
  • plain LCFRS
  • aligned LCFRS/graph grammars (aligned hypergraph bimorphism)
  • subclasses of LCFRS, such as context-free grammars (CFG) and finite state automata (FSA)


  • grammar induction from a corpus
  • parsing of sentences to trees / graphs
  • computation of reducts (intersection of a sentence/tree pair with a grammar)
  • expectation maximization (EM) training
  • automatic grammar refinement by the split/merge algorithm

Some of these concepts/algorithms have been described in the following articles:

Due to the nature of the software development process (research), it was run on just 1-3 machines and should be considered unstable. Interfaces are likely to be changed as needed for future extensions. Maintenance is limited to Kilian's professional involvement in academic research.

Installation/ Preparation:


Resources / Corpora

For many scripts it is assumed that certain corpora are available below the res directory. You may want to download or symlink them there.

  • res/dependency_conll -> various corpora of CONLL-X shared task

  • res/tiger/tiger_release_aug07.corrected.16012013.xml -> the TiGer corpus

  • res/negra-corpus/downloadv2/negra-corpus.{cfg,export} -> the Negra corpus

  • res/negra-dep/negra-lower-punct-{train,test}.conll -> a conversion of Negra in CONLL dependency format as described in [Maier/Kallmeyer 2010]. The conversion requires rparse and is automated in the script util/

  • res/WSJ/ptb-discontinuous/dptb7[-km2003wsj].export -> discontinuous version of PTB/WSJ (contact Kilian Evang). The file dptb7-km2003wsj.export is obtained by running discodop treetransforms --transforms=km2003wsj dptb7.export dptb-km2003wsj.export.

  • res/wsj_dependency/{02-22,23,24}.conll -> various sections of PTB/WSJ converted to CONLL dependency format

  • res/SPMRL_SHARED_2014_NO_ARABIC -> corpora from the SPMRL 2014 shared task

  • res/TIGER/tiger21 -> Hall & Nivre 2008 (HN08) split of TiGer. Obtain TiGer version 2.1. Then run:

    mkdir tiger21
    unzip -d tiger21
    for corpus in  tigerdev tigertest tigertraindev tigertraintest
        treetools transform tiger21/${corpus}.export tiger21/${corpus}_root_attach.export --trans root_attach

    This is an excerpt of Maximin Coavoux's script and uses his

  • res/TIGER/tigerHN08-dev.train.pred_tags.raw and tigerHN08-test.train+dev.pred_tags.raw. Predicted POS-tags for TiGer HN08 split. These files are obtained by training mate-tools and using it to predict POS tags. Further details can be found in util/ (not fully automated yet).

Unit tests

Running unit tests (requires some corpora to be available in the res directory)

python3 -m unittest discover

Documentation for the experiments in [Gebhardt 2018]

  1. Obtain the data and locate it under res/ as described above for SPMRL_SHARED_2014_NO_ARABIC, the TiGer HN08 split, and predicted POS tags for TiGer HN08 split.

  2. To run an end-to-end experiment with split/merge refinement for LCFRS/sDCP hybrid grammars, call

    PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/

    with appropriate parameters (see --help). E.g., for a small experiment that takes about 10 minutes on a typical desktop machine:

    PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/ HN08 -sm-cycles 2 -parsing-limit -quick

  3. To run an end-to-end experiment with split/merge refinement for LCFRS, call:

    PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/

    with appropriate parameters (see --help). E.g., for a small experiment that takes about 10 minutes on a typical desktop machine:

    PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/ HN08 -quick -sm-cycles 2 -merge-percentage 70.0 -parsing-limit

Beware: Due to the comparably large initial grammar sizes, the memory consumption in the 5th split/merge cycle can exceed 32GB, in particular if multi-threading is enabled. The same holds for parsing the TiGer test sets with unrestricted sentence length (peak consumption about ~40GB). Parsing sentences up to length 40 should be feasible with 8GB RAM.

Documentation for the experiments in [Gebhardt/Nederhof/Vogler 2017]

Actually an older version of this software was used to run the experiments in this paper. Still, experiments can be reproduced as follows:

  • install the optional dependencies grammatical framework and pynini. NB: It is possible to run the experiments without these requirements, however, there may be large differences in run times and memory footprint which make full corpus evaluations infeasible. Also, the most probable parse might be ambiguous, i.e., other parser implementations may select different parses.
  • run the experiments as described below

Documentation for dependency parsing

Acquire a corpus in CoNLL-X shared task format, cf.

To run an experiment you have to create a configuration file of the following format. With each line (that is not a comment) a parameter is set. If one parameter is set multiple times, then the last value is used. Each parameter where no default value is indicated needs to be set.

#                            This is a comment
Database:                    path/to/experiment-db
Training Corpus:             path/to/training/corpus
Test Corpus:                 path/to/test/corpus
Nonterminal Labeling:        child-cpos+deprel
Terminal Labeling:           pos
Recursive Partitioning:      left-branching
Training Limit:              1000                   # default: unlimited
Test Limit:                  200                    # default: unlimited
Test Length Limit:           25                     # default: unlimited
# Pre/Post-processing options
Default Root DEPREL:         ROOT                   # default: do not overwrite
Ignore Punctuation:          NO    # YES or NO      # default: NO
Default Disconnected DEPREL: PUNC                   # default: _ (underscore)

Implemented nonterminal labeling strategies:


Implemented terminal labeling strategies:


Implemented recursive partitioning strategies:


where $K > 0

Warning: Ignoring punctuation is experimental and may raise errors if a punctuation symbol governs some non-punctuation word. Also, correct CoNLL export is not guaranteed in this case.

Then run

PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/ path/to/configuration/file

This command will start the experiment. The program outputs various statistics on the grammar to stdout. Also, it writes the results in the experiment database. Beware: Also scores are printed, but they are calculated according to our own non-standard implementation. You may want to use the evaluation script described below which uses the standard CoNLL-X implementation. Also, in case of very short parse times, the run-time can be dominated by the database latency.


In order to list the contents of the experiment database run

PYTHONPATH=. python3 evaluation/ path/to/database list

In order to generate a LaTeX file containing a table with various statistics and scores run

PYTHONPATH=. python3 evaluation/ path/to/database plot --experiments=$SELECTION --outfile=path/to/table.tex [--max-length=$N]

where $SELECTION is a list of natural numbers separated by , or -, where each natural number references a row in the table and n-m expands to n,n+1, ..., m-1,m and n needs to be smaller than m. The order in the this list specifies the order in the generated table. With --max-length a limit on the sentence length can be specified, i.e., scores and parsing times will only reflect sentences up to this length.

Dependency parsing, cascade experiment

In order to run the cascade experiment in [Nederhof/Gebhardt/Vogler 2017, Table 3, p. 509], run the following:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/

No separate evaluation is required.

Control experiments with rparse

Clone and compile rparse with patched GF-export and copy rparse.jar to ./util/rparser.jar. Then run

PYTHONPATH=. python3 playground_rparse/

with appropriate parameters, e.g., for Markovization v = 1 and h = 3 run:

PYTHONPATH=. python3 playground_rparse/ res/negra-dep/negra-lower-punct-train.conll res/negra-dep/negra-lower-punct-test.conll /tmp/negra-v1-h3 -vMarkov 1 -hMarkov 3

Documentation for Constituent Parsing

Acquire the Tiger and/or the Negra corpus.

In corpora/ Change the definitions of TIGER_DIR and TIGER.

In corpora/ Change the definition of NEGRA_DIRECTORY.

Uncomment the relevant lines of experiment/ to select the desired experiments.

Run: PYTHONPATH=. python3 experiment/


This project is an extension of work by Mark-Jan Nederhof available here.

For parsing and preprocessing this project depends on the following libraries/packages:

The C++ backend of the project (S/M training) uses the Boost and Eigen libraries.

A highly experimental part of the software employs an implementation of a graph parser (based on the algorithm by [Drewes/Gebhardt/Vogler 2016]). Currently we provide only a Java Binary of this software that was mainly developed by Timo Schick.

Evaluation and utility scripts as well as parameter files are provided unter ./util:

  •,,,, and from the CoNLL-X shared task
  • proper.prm, negra.headrules, and ptb.headrules taken from disco-dop


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